Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts by Gordon Werner (Page 81)

The Gap is Almost Closed

Dear fellow St. Paul’s Parishioners, Our last stewardship email in early January reported a budget deficit of nearly 15%. Over the past several weeks the Vestry, Stewardship Team and Fr. George have all communicated the need to close the gap on the 2017 Operating Budget. And YOU came through!!! Thanks to many new pledgers and increased pledges from current pledgers, we have…

Adult Formation (week of Jan 29, 2017)

Sunday classes continue on January 29, 2017, in the Chapel, from 10:15 to 11:00.  Join join the Rev. George Adamik for the second in a series of classes on “The Prophetic Voices of Scripture.”  Wednesday evening Adult Formation continues February 1, 2017 , in the Youth Wing from 7:00-8:00 PM. Led by the Rev. George Adamik, this class is entitled, “From Joshua to Nehemiah.”   Continue reading for details.

Adult Formation (week of Jan 8, 2017)

NOTICE: All Church Services and Activities are cancelled on Sunday, January 8, 2017.
Sunday classes resume with a series entitled “The Prophetic Voices of Scripture.”  A Wednesday evening series commences January 11:The Bible from Scratch: the Old Testament.” Continue reading below for details of Adult Formation.

Wheels4Hope Thanks St. Paul’s

Wheels4Hope thanks St. Paul’s for helping to successfully achieve very aggressive vehicle placement and sales goals in 2016!  Wheels4Hope Raleigh placed 154 vehicles with local families last year, which is its primary mission. One of those placements occurred at the Wheels4Hope Car Blessing held at St. Paul’s in October.  Continue reading for more.

T. P. Collection (Jan 15, 2017)

St. Paul’s has half of a shelf in the Dorcas Ministry Food Pantry. That half shelf is our commitment to provide half of the toilet paper needed for the Food Pantry to give 1 roll per family member per month to the families identified through the Crisis Ministry.  The Food Pantry helps about 400 families each month.  Our next toilet paper drive will be Jan 15, 2017 (moved out from Jan 8 due to weather).  Continue reading for more….