Dear fellow St. Paul’s Parishioners,
Our last stewardship email in early January reported a budget deficit of nearly 15%. Over the past several weeks the Vestry, Stewardship Team and Fr. George have all communicated the need to close the gap on the 2017 Operating Budget. And YOU came through!!! Thanks to many new pledgers and increased pledges from current pledgers, we have closed ~99% of the shortfall. We are almost there – Thank you! THANK YOU !!
The Vestry will finalize the budget this Sunday, Feb. 5 and will need all pledges at that time. Please email Christine Ingram ( if you can help close that last percent. Thank you again. Good things are happening at St. Paul’s and in our community as a direct result of your generosity.
Sincerely (and joyfully), St. Paul’s Stewardship Team