- The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. So far, we have collected $581.76 toward our goal of $3000.00.
- Sunday School continues today at 10:10 a.m. in the Education Building. All are Welcome!
- Pre-EYC (for 4th and 5th graders) meets today in the Parish Hall from 11:15a.m.-1:00 p.m. Join us for fun and fellowship!
- Children’s Chapel for children ages age 3 through 2nd grade will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service. Immediately following the Collect children may follow the cross processional to the Youth Wing.
- Children’s bulletins, crayon packs, and pipe cleaners are available on the desk in the Narthex.
- The presence of children is a gift to the Church, and children are always welcome in our services. If you feel the need, Nursery Care for babies and young children is available – please see an usher to escort you to the Nursery (Kids’ Club). Our Bride’s Room is in the back of the Sanctuary and is open to anyone needing a place for a crying baby or restless child.
- Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Peace & Justice: Be Wise in What is Good.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
- No EYC Tonight: We are trying to recover from the lock-in last night (that’s why youth may be falling asleep in church).
- Lobster Fest Volunteers: Youth, please come help support our parish fundraiser. The link to sign up is on the youth web page.
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Rainbow Gathering is hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today. The Rainbow Gathering is a fellowship and support group for LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning) individuals and the people who love and support them.
Next week the Refuge for Refugees Ministry will be hosting coffee hour. This ministry assists families who have been granted refugee status in resettling in our community. Some opportunities to help include: donating items for their new apartment; providing help with mentoring, transportation, shopping, or English, and making a financial donation.
ST. PAUL’S LOBSTER FEST 2017 will be Saturday, October 7. We need volunteers! Help during the week of Lobster Fest, the day of Lobster Fest, and with a few follow-up needs. St. Paul’s parishioners have been generous with support in the past and we need to fill our open positions as soon as we can. Please go to (Sign Up Genius Invite). Links to this Sign Up Genius sites are posted on both and web sites. Or, contact Vickie Johnson at 919-201-2503, or
ARTS AND CRAFT FESTIVAL: We are looking for donations for our raffle. The Festival will take place on Saturday, November 4, with proceeds going to Outreach. Please let us know if you have a contact with a local business that would be willing to donate a raffle prize. We’ll be happy to provide you with a donation letter to give to businesses and a tax receipt for the donations. If you have new items to donate or can contact a local business, please contact Gwen Neidig at For general questions about the festival, please contact Sally Moller at Please check our website for full information about the festival.
Sunday Forum this fall (10:15 – 11:00 a.m., Chapel): What Does It Mean to be Episcopalian? Join the clergy and people of St. Paul’s this fall as we delve into the rich tradition of our faith: our biblical roots, the language of the creeds, the meaning behind our common rites of worship, and the history of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. On Sundays, September 10 and 17, we will begin the series by embarking on an overview of the geography and history of the Holy Land, led by the Rev. Javier Almendárez Bautista.
Wednesday Evening: Embracing Interfaith Cooperation (9/27; Youth Wing, 6:00-7:00 p.m.) Join the Rev. George Adamik as we explore the practice of interfaith dialogue. Embracing Interfaith Cooperation, a DVD series, is a timely and contemporary portal for exploring multi-faith dialogue and cooperation in our increasingly diverse culture.
NEWCOMER CLASS: There will be a Newcomer Class for all who are interested in learning about St. Paul’s, the larger Episcopal Church, and opportunities in which to participate. It will be 3 Wednesday evenings, October 18, 25, and November 1, from 7:15-8:30 p.m., in the Youth Wing. You are invited to attend all 3 classes, but attend as many as you can, as they are not a continuing series. The classes will be led by Rev. George Adamik, while other clergy and ministry leaders will come in to share about our many ministry groups. For more information, contact Frank and Anne Laney, at or (919) 460-0835.
NOMINATE A VETERAN CAMPAIGN: St. Paul’s Veterans & Military Outreach ministry is seeking youth up to age 17 to share their experience with a veteran. Do you know a veteran that you would like to nominate and tell us about why you nominated them? Submissions may be in writing, in the form of poetry, in music or art form. Feel free to express yourself! Please include military member name, rank, branch of service, duty station, job description, and the reason why you submitted his/her name. You choose the topic of your Expression. Both the veteran and the youth author will be rewarded with movie tickets. The deadline for Expression submissions is October 31, 2017. All forms of expression must be either emailed to or hand delivered to the church office by October 31, 2017.
Are you a youth volunteer, ASP Volunteer, Sunday School Teacher, Vestry Member or Lay Eucharistic Visitor? If you are and you haven’t attended Safe Church Classroom training in the past two years, please attend Safe Church Training scheduled for October 8, 2017 at 11:15am in the Youth Wing. Kids’ Club Care will be provided and the session, led by Christine Ingram, should last about 90 minutes. Please RSVP to