Please remember to silence your cell phones.
- The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2019 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 9, 2019. We have collected $323.85 toward our $3000 goal!
- Children’s Chapel is on vacation today. We will see everyone next Sunday!
- We need just two more teachers to fill the Sunday School Teaching need – one for 3rd grade and one for 5th Please let Christine Ingram know ASAP if you can join this wonderful Ministry!
- Are you ready? Sunday School, aka Christian Formation, starts on Sept. 9 at 10:10 a.m.! We can’t wait to welcome everyone back to “school!”
- Kickoff Sunday, September 9th: Mark your calendars for the start of our new programming year. Christian Formation will begin on Sunday morning 10:15-11:00 a.m. (High School in Room 10, Middle School in the Youth Wing). Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) will kick off from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing with special games, activities, and food. Parents (1 from each family) need to stay the first 30 minutes of EYC. Sign up for EYC at
- Youth Registration Form: Please fill this out for each youth by September 9th.
ASP Ice Cream Social: Please join us after the 11:15 a.m. service on Sunday, September 30th. Thank you to all our Shareholders – everyone who has supported our youth through the Appalachia Service Project trip this year. Both youth and adults are excited about sharing stories and moments from their week in Tennessee. We look forward to seeing you.
MONTHLY DEVOTIONALS: “Welcoming in Christ” is the discipleship-stewardship emphasis linking St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary and the Anniversary Capital Campaign. To supplement this, each month a special devotional reflection will be offered. The theme for September is “Welcoming All and Seeking to Engage Each One.” You can find these devotionals on our St. Paul’s website ( If you’d like to share your thoughts on a theme, you may email them to
WELCOMING IN CHRIST – THE ANNIVERSARY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN is happy to announce one more vision tour on Sunday, September 2. The tour will take place between the 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. services. Tour guides will lead you through our current facilities to honor the memories of our spaces and to help you envision what the new spaces will look like after our capital campaign. There’s no need to sign up, just meet in the Narthex near the choir room at approximately 10:00 a.m. to start the tour.
In September, you can look forward to:
- Campaign testimonials both during services and on video on our website and social media.
- Receiving a pledge packet on our 60th Anniversary celebration on September 16th (due October 14th)
- A fundraising goal thermometer on display in the Narthex and Parish Hall.
- Weekly raffles during coffee hours for those who have returned pledges – prizes include gift cards to Lugano Ristorante, Lucky 32, Cloer Family Vineyards and more.
You can also look forward to house parties! You are cordially invited to enjoy the fellowship of dedicated parishioners at house parties in September and October. Our campaign chairs will be there to answer questions. Space is limited. Sign up here:
RISE AGAINST HUNGER MEAL PACKAGING EVENT: Join us at a Rise Against Hunger (formerly Stop Hunger Now) Meal Packaging Event on October 14 from 10:00 a.m-12:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Go to to make a donation and register yourself and family for this fun, educational, highly-impactful event. Questions? Contact Brooke Mautz or Ramsey McIntire at
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: There is no coffee hour this week. We hope you have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend with family and friends.
Next week the Newcomer Ministry will be hosting coffee hour. Come join them for food and refreshments and to find out more about this important ministry. Visitors to St. Paul’s receive a loaf of homemade bread following their initial visit on Sunday morning. Perhaps you’d like to help by baking or delivering this special token of our welcome.
LOBSTER FEST is Saturday October 6, and we need your help to make it a successful day. The website is open at to purchase lobsters. Please help us advertise; flyers and business cards are ready for pick up after the service today. Please sign up to volunteer at If you have questions about tasks, contact Alana Loughlin at
THE CARYING PLACE RACE FOR HOME: Please join us Labor Day, Monday, Sept 3 at 8:00 a.m. Race participants must preregister at The races are free for St Paul’s members who use the following code: StPaulsSponsor. St Paul’s is sponsoring an information table and the Prayer Stitchers are donating hats to sell at the race. All proceeds will support The Carying Place. Please contact Carolyn Anderson if you have questions at or 919-460-9525.
Sunday Mornings: Our summer NOOMA series of modern parables by Rob Bell concludes this morning in the Youth Wing, following the 9:00 a.m. service. Stop by for a short video, 10-14 minutes long, and informal discussion. You will have plenty of time to get to the 10:45 a.m. service.
Wednesday Evenings: The Adult Formation committee will show the final 40-minute installment of a Jesus Christ Superstar video. Join us for the film and discussion on September 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing.
FALL BOOK GROUP Begins in October
Please join us for dinner and discussion of “Race in a Post-Obama America — the Church Responds.” We will gather at St. Paul’s on October 7, 14, and 21 at 5:30 p.m. for a shared potluck supper followed by conversation on that week’s reading. Because space is limited, please sign up on the church website. Contact Andrea Johnson at or Aleta McClenney at with questions.
THE SENIORS’ MINISTRY is sponsoring a visit to the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Cathedral, 715 Nazareth Street, Raleigh, on September 27 at 1:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join us. If you are interested, please respond by emailing Katie Robinson at or via signup genius at by Sunday, September 23. There is parking onsite. Carpooling will be available from the church if requested.