Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, Oct 22, 2017

2018 Stewardship — “Sharing God’s BLESSINGS” – St. Paul’s Stewardship Season is in full swing and pledges are coming in and moving us closer to our 10% budget growth goal!  Pledge cards have been mailed and are also available in the Narthex.  Did you find your blue stewardship envelope in your mailbox?  Please open it as four lucky families have golden tickets in their envelopes that can be redeemed for a sweet surprise!  We will celebrate the conclusion of the Sharing God’s Blessings Campaign with a Brunch on November 12, 2017 – all are welcome to attend.  The brunch will begin at 10:15 and will conclude at 11:30 a.m. and will be held in the Parish Hall.  Everyone who turns in a pledge card by 10:00 a.m. on Nov. 12 will be entered into a drawing for a free night’s stay at the Mayton Inn in downtown Cary-with champagne and dinner included.  We hope your family will join us in “Sharing God’s Blessings.”

ASP FALL CHORE DAY NOVEMBER 11:  Have a job at home that needs to get done?  Need a garden mulched or yard raked? Need a garage cleaned?  Let us help you!  The youth of St. Paul’s are offering their services to raise money for their Appalachia Service Project (ASP) Mission Trip to Tennessee next summer.  The ASP chore day will take place on Saturday, November 11  from 8:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. . To sign up for a work crew to come to your home or if you have more questions, contact Susannah Vitaglione at susannahv@gmail.com or call 919-619-5103.

NEWCOMER CLASS: A Newcomer Class is underway for all who are interested in learning about St. Paul’s, the larger Episcopal Church, and opportunities in which to participate.  The next meetings are Wednesday evenings, October 25, and November 1, from 7:15-8:30 p.m., in the Youth Wing.  You are invited to attend all of classes, but attend those that you can, as they are not a continuing series.  The classes will be led by Rev. George Adamik, while other clergy and ministry leaders will come in to share about our many ministry groups.  For more information, contact Frank and Anne Laney, at annewlaney@gmail.com or (919) 460-0835.

ARTS AND CRAFT FESTIVAL FOR OUTREACH will be on Saturday, November 4, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  We need volunteers in all areas and bakers for the bake sale.  Please leave your book donations in the hallway by the coat rack any time through November 3.  To volunteer at the festival please use the link on our web page www.stpaulscary.org/festival, or contact Katie Robinson at katie015@bellsouth.net.  To donate your homemade baked goods to the bake sale, please use the link on our web page www.stpaulscary.org/festival, or contact Gail Duncan at sheldunc@aol.com.

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Arts and Crafts Festival for Outreach is hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today.  The Festival on Nov. 4th will feature local artisans, musical performances, a coffee bar and bake sale, a delicious lunch of homemade soups, and more.  Stop by the parish hall for more details.

Next week the Memorial Garden Ministry will be hosting coffee hour.  This ministry works to provide a beautiful, spiritual space for the interment of ashes and the remembrance of family and friends. Join them for coffee and snacks and to learn more about their ministry and our beautiful memorial garden.

ADULT FORMATION:   Sunday Forum: What Does It Mean to Be Episcopalian? (Sundays in the Chapel, 10:15-11:00 a.m.) Join us this fall as we delve into the rich tradition of our faith.  This Sunday, October 22, the Rev. J. Carr Holland III will discuss “The Daily Office and Benedictine Spirituality.”  Next Sunday, the Rev. George Adamik will lead a class on Baptism and Eucharist.  Throughout, we’ll reflect on the impacts of our practice of the Christian faith on everyday life.

Wednesday Study: Living the Way of Jesus–The Sermon on the Mount (October 4–November 1; Youth Wing, 6:00-7:00 p.m.). Join Gerri Batchelor and Joe Ryan as we make our way through the Sermon on the Mount, an amazingly thorough distillation of Jesus’ teachings. In this five-part program, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, and others reflect on the Sermon on the Mount considering their own faith journeys.

BLOOD DRIVE CANCELED:  The Blood Drive scheduled for Saturday, October 28 has been canceled due to a scheduling conflict.

CALLING ALL VETERANS – Let us thank you for your service.  If you have served or currently serve in the U.S. military, St. Paul’s would like to recognize you on November 12, the Sunday after Veterans Day, by listing your name, branch of service, and rank at separation in a special insert in the bulletin.  Please email that information to stpauls.vmo@yahoo.com no later than November 3 to ensure that you are included.

NOMINATE A VETERAN CAMPAIGN:  St. Paul’s Veterans & Military Outreach ministry is seeking youth up to age 17 to share their experience with a veteran.  Submissions may be in writing, in the form of poetry, in music or art form.  Please include military member name, rank, branch of service, duty station, job description, and the reason why you submitted his/her name.  You choose the topic of your Expression.  Both the veteran and the youth author will be rewarded with movie tickets.  The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2017.  All forms of expression must be either emailed to stpauls.vmo@yahoo.com or delivered to the church office by October 31, 2017.

CARE & SHARE:  Looking for a short-term, meaningful way to serve?  Our inreach ministry, Care & Share supports members of our parish family who are in need with supportive services.  Among the things we offer is transportation to church services and medical appointments.  We are always looking for people willing to drive to medical appointments.  To find out more, please contact Melinda Thomas at melinda@thehouseholderspath.com.

A WHEELS4HOPE CAR BLESSING AT ST. PAUL’S ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29:  Next Sunday, October 29, during coffee hour, the St. Paul’s congregation is invited to join in celebrating a Wheels4Hope Car Blessing.  We will present the keys of a Wheels4Hope Program Car to a local recipient.  Financial contributions for vehicle repairs have been provided by St. Paul’s members.  Wheels4Hope is a faith-based, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to helping economically challenged families and individuals by providing them reliable, affordable vehicles.  Many steps have occurred to prepare for this moment and it’s time to celebrate!  See God’s work on wheels!

LIFELONG LEARNING MINISTRY:  “What to Do Instead of SCREAMING!!” is a workshop offering parents support and communication tips that can help us stay calm and clear as we help kids develop important life skills.  The workshop will be Tues. Nov 7th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Chapel.  RSVP to Jean S. Wittig, at jswittig@aol.com: if you need childcare, please contact Laura Gorman at Laura.Gorman@stpaulscary.org by Nov 3.


  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. So far, we have collected $674.15 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Sunday School continues today at 10:10 a.m. in the Education Building. All are Welcome!
  • Children’s Chapel for children age 3 through 2nd grade will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service. Immediately following the Collect, children may follow the cross processional to the Youth Wing.
  • Pre-EYC meets at 10:10 a.m. today in the St. Paul’s traffic circle to walk to Glenaire for Reverse Trick or Treating!
  • Pumpkin Carving is NEXT Sunday! Please RSVP to Christine Ingram if you plan to bring chili and get your pumpkins, car trunks and costumes ready!
  • Children’s bulletins, crayon packs, and pipe cleaners are available on the desk in the Narthex.
  • The presence of children is a gift to the Church, and children are always welcome in our services. If you feel the need, nursery care for babies and young children is available-please see an usher to escort you to the nursery (Kids’ Club).  Our Bride’s Room is in the back of the Sanctuary and is open to anyone needing a place for a crying baby or restless child.


  • Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Giving of Ourselves.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • Special EYC Tonight 5-6 p.m.: Elisa Benitez is coming to speak to us. She is a community organizer for Alerta Migratoria NC and will be dispelling some of the myths surrounding immigration, as well as how people can best support undocumented community members.  She is a graduate student at UNC-Charlotte and a former parishioner at El Buen Pastor in Durham.  Parents, youth, and parishioners are invited to the program in the Youth Wing.  Youth stay for games and dinner from 6-7 p.m.