Letters have been sent and the website “clicks” have been activated – we’re ready for you! We have tried to keep things simple this year, to avoid confusion about pledging to the Capital Campaign (for large scale improvements to the buildings and grounds) and pledging to the operating budget for 2019, your annual gift. Look for factoids each week that shed light on the impact every dollar has on our community. Please return those pledges, or pledge online, by November 11th.
Pledging as of October 17, 2018
38 pledges
Total Pledged: $129,770
⦁ Our fundraising goal thermometer is currently on display in the Narthex and Parish Hall.
⦁ Thank you to everyone that has been able to pledge. Pledging is still open! Please pledge on St. Paul’s website or return your pledge to the church office.
Capital Campaign Pledging Update
Goal: $3,250,0000
Pledges to date: 121
Amount Pledged to date: $ 1,618,305
Due to the devastating effects of Hurricane Florence, the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry is asking for food donations to help feed migrant and seasonal farmworkers affected by Hurricane Florence. Please bring any of the following donations to the designated bin to the right of the Narthex. Requested items are: rice, pinto beans, tortillas, tuna, chicken soup (no creams), Maseca corn flour, cooking oil, instant coffee, canned corn, animal crackers or cinnamon crackers, diapers, and baby food. Monetary donations are urgently needed. You can drop a check into the plate made out to the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, go online to, or mail it to the ministry at PO Box 160, Newton Grove, NC 28334. Thank you very much.
The youth are hosting a Halloween Carnival in conjunction with the Children’s Ministries Costume & Chili Cookoff event. Come down to the Youth Wing area for fun and games. This year we’ve replaced Trunk or Treat with a “Carved Pumpkin Contest.” Bring your already carved pumpkin with its candle in it and we’ll set them up for display. Participants can vote (25¢/vote), which will decide the winners for the following categories: Scariest, Most Beautiful, and Most Creative. There will be prizes! Anyone can enter, so get your carving on!
“Welcoming in Christ” is the discipleship-stewardship emphasis linking St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary and the Anniversary Capital Campaign. Each month a special devotional reflection is offered. The theme for October is “Expanding the Mission and Influence of the Church.” You can find these devotionals on our St. Paul’s website ( If you’d like to share your thoughts on a theme, you may email them to
The Arts & Crafts Festival Committee is hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 service today. Stop by to learn more about this exciting upcoming event, which will feature local artisans, musical performances, a bake sale, homemade soups, a big raffle, and more. Proceeds from this event will benefit numerous outreach ministries at St. Paul’s.
Next week the Memorial Garden Ministry will be hosting coffee hour. This ministry works to provide a beautiful, spiritual place for the interment of ashes and the remembrance of family and friends. Join them for coffee and snacks and to learn more about this special ministry.
Sunday Mornings: The Christian faith has the potential to reshape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Join us today at 10:15 a.m. in the chapel as we continue our fall series, Going Deeper—Ancient Teachings for a Vibrant Faith. Andrew Zawierucha will explore “Paul, Missionary to the Gentiles: Understanding the Letters of Paul.” Next Sunday, Oct. 28, Barbara Lau, Director, Pauli Murray Project, Durham, NC will discuss the life and witness of one of the recent canonized saints of the Episcopal Church, the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray.
Wednesday Evenings: Join us for adult formation at 7:00 p.m. on October 24 in the Youth Wing, as we continue the series, Reclaiming Jesus: A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis. Drop in for any sessions you’re able to attend, as we listen to and reflect on Jesus’ teachings as part of renewing our discipleship and witness.
For more information on our fall formation series, please see E-News and Adult Formation section of the St. Paul’s website.
Do you have a hobby? Painting, ceramics, quilting, woodworking, something else? The Arts & Crafts Festival is looking for donations of new, handmade items to sell at the St. Paul’s Table. The Festival will take place on Saturday, November 10, with proceeds going to outreach. If you have items to donate, please contact Sally Moller,
If you can spare a couple of hours to help transport our borrowed tables, please sign up! You’ll find the link to sign up on our web page We will need volunteers in all areas of the festival. The shifts are only two hours, so please consider helping.
THE FELLOWSHIP EVENTS TEAM is planning a visit to the North Carolina Museum of Art, to tour the exhibit, The Beyond: Georgia O’Keeffe and Contemporary Art. Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday, November 4th, at 2:00 p.m. for a docent-guided tour. The exhibit includes paintings and sculptures by Georgia O’Keeffe, “the Mother of American modernism,” along with works of emerging artists that evoke her artistic style. There is a sign-up poster in the narthex or call / email Sheila Reilly at 919-303-6248 Tickets are $18.00 for adults, $16.00 for seniors, plus $5.00 extra per ticket for the docent. Tickets will need to be purchased by October 14th, so sign up and join us for fellowship and a delightful art adventure.
⦁ The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2019 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 9, 2019. We have collected $637.55 toward our $3000 goal!
⦁ Children’s Chapel will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. worship service and is open to all children ages 3 through 2nd grade. Please follow the Children’s Cross Processional after the Collect.
⦁ Sunday School continues today at 10:10 a.m. in the Education Building.
⦁ One more 5th grade Teacher is needed for Sunday School. Thank you to all our Sunday School Teachers that are already giving their time and talent to the children of St. Paul’s!
⦁ The Jeans drive for Note in the Pocket starts today and runs through October 28. We are looking for donations of jeans, any size and gender, new or gently used as well as any new or gently used clothing donations. The collection bin is located just off the Narthex.
⦁ The Fall Carnival is next Sunday! Join us in the Parish Hall at 5:00 p.m. for hot dogs and then head to the parking lot at 6:00 p.m. for the Youth Carnival. Bring a pre carved/decorated pumpkin for judging. Hope to see you there!
⦁ Youth Christian Formation: The Middle School lesson today is entitled “Dealing With Stress: Turning to God in Prayer.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
⦁ EYC Today 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Senior Luncheon – come to the Parish Hall to help prepare, serve, and clean up. This is a wonderful time of fellowship with the older, wiser parishioners of St. Paul’s!
⦁ No EYC Tonight.
⦁ Fall Carnival October 28: Signup: