NOTE: There will not be an announcements insert on the Sunday after Thanksgiving (Nov 26).
2018 STEWARDSHIP – “Sharing God’s BLESSINGS”: Over the past few weeks, an effort was made to highlight and celebrate all of the good that ST. PAUL’s represents. The church and its ministries provide spiritual support and help to our community that makes a real difference. Your support is what makes this a reality. Contributions in the form of pledges help support our church community and your contributions have been tremendous. If you haven’t pledged yet, we hope you consider turning in your pledge form as soon as possible so that we can include your pledge in our 2018 budgeting process. Pledge forms are available in the Narthex and the church office or you can pledge online through the St. Paul’s website. Thank you to everyone who has already pledged!
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The St. Nicholas Ministry is hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today. If you haven’t already done so, please stop by the Narthex and make your selection from the tags on the special tree. Then come to the Parish Hall for refreshments and a chance to thank the St. Nicholas Ministry team for coordinating this wonderful opportunity to make Christmas a little brighter for children in need.
Next week Children’s Ministries will be hosting a Craft and Cookie hour in the Parish Hall. Don’t miss this special opportunity for food, fun and fellowship.
TK Food Drive: St. Paul’s Preschool Transitional Kindergarten class is hosting a food drive for the “Little Red Wagon” project at St. Paul’s which supports Urban Ministries, one of St. Paul’s outreach groups. There is a complete list on the Urban ministries website, but most non-perishable items are welcome, especially healthier versions of the item. Please put your donations in the bins in the Parish Hall. The last day for the food drive will be Tuesday, November 21st. Thank you for your support!
Advent Lessons and Carols will be presented by the St. Paul’s Choir on December 17, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the church. This service of nine Scripture readings followed by choral music and hymns is modeled after the world-famous service presented by the Choir of Kings College, Cambridge, for many decades. This year’s music includes works by Felix Mendelssohn, Peter Warlock, Will Todd, and Rusty McKinney, as well great hymns for Advent. The Bells of St. Paul’s will perform the prelude music. This is an excellent service to invite neighbors and friends to attend.
ADULT FORMATION: What Does It Mean to Be an Episcopalian? (Sundays in the Chapel, 10:15-11:00 a.m.) Join us as we delve into the rich tradition of our faith. This Sunday, November 19, the Rev. J. Carr Holland III will discuss “Marriage,” as we reflect on the impacts of our practice of the Christian faith on everyday life. There will be no forum on November 26, Thanksgiving weekend.
On Wednesday, November 29, the Rev. J. Carr Holland will begin our Advent series, Engaging the Word in Advent – a meditative Eucharist and conversation using the Sunday Advent readings. Join members of St. Paul’s as we mark the Advent season together for these mid-week Eucharist services. (Wednesdays at noon and at 7:00 the Chapel)
Third Sunday of the Month — Intro to St. Paul’s: If you are new to St. Paul’s and would like to know more about our community, join a member of the clergy at the baptismal font – just inside the main entryway to the church – at 10:15 a.m. for a short introduction to St. Paul’s and the Episcopal Church. We will take a brief tour of the church grounds and have plenty of time for questions and conversation. Join the Rev. Javier E. Almendárez Bautista today for this month’s class.
RAINBOW GATHERING is hosting guest speaker Barbara Lau of the Pauli Murray Project on November 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. She will speak about the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, who grew up with her grandparents in Durham, and at the age of 66 became the first African-American woman to be ordained an Episcopal priest.
Family Promise of Wake County is having a volunteer workday on their campus at 903 Method Rd. in Raleigh today from 1:00-3:00 or 3:00-5:00 p.m. If you need more information, contact Kevin Swann at 919-607-5913 or
YOUTH BABYSITTING FUNDRAISER, December 8th , 6:00-9:00 p.m.: The youth will babysit kids ages 2 years through 5th grade in the Parish Hall. This is a fundraiser for Youth Missions and Pilgrimages, so donations are accepted. More information can be found on the website.
MUSIC: The St. Paul’s Choir’s CD A Babe is Born: Music for Advent and Christmas is on sale every Sunday until the end of December. The selections include the premiere recording of Rusty McKinney’s setting of “There is No Rose of Such Virtue” composed for the St. Paul’s Choir. This professionally recorded and produced CD can be yours for just $10 (they make great Christmas gifts) and the proceeds benefit the entirety of Music Ministries. Look for our table after the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services either in the Narthex or just inside the Choir Room, and at the November 26th Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall. And of course, anytime during the week when Rusty is in his office, they are available! Contact the Minister of Music at or at 919-467-6241for help.
Greening of the Church: The Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve are on the same Sunday this year; therefore, it will require the Greening of the Church to be held in two parts. Part One will be Thursday, December 21 from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. We will be decorating the organ platforms, hanging the roping, and decorating the window sills. While the Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the church for our Christmas services, we always welcome the help of members of the congregation. We need fresh greenery to fill the various areas around the church – boxwood, cedar, magnolia leaves, holly, etc. Please bring some when you come to Green the Church on Thursday.
Christmas Poinsettia Envelopes will be available in the pews through Sunday, December 3. Giving a poinsettia that will decorate the altar and worship spaces for the Christmas services is a beautiful way to remember and / or give thanks for the special people in our lives. The Altar Guild requests a donation of $20.00 per plant. Checks may be made payable to St. Paul’s with Altar Guild poinsettia noted on the memo line. Please make sure the outside of the envelope is filled out with your name and the name of the person(s) for whom the poinsettia is being given and note if the poinsettia is being given in memory of, or in thanksgiving for, that person. All requests must be received by Sunday, December 3, to be included in the Christmas bulletin. Requests / donations may be placed in the collection plates or dropped off at the church office. Christmas poinsettias may be taken home following the Christmas Day service.
- The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. So far, we have collected $811.46 toward our goal of $3,000.
- Christmas Pageant Participation Forms for non-speaking roles will be accepted until December 1. Forms are available in the Narthex and in the church office. All soldiers, shepherds, angels and animals ages 3 and up are welcome!
- Our Cookie and Craft Coffee Hour will be held next Sunday, November 26, during coffee hour. Please join us for freshly baked cookies and make an ornament for your Christmas tree.
- Sunday School continues today at 10:10 a.m. in the Education Building. Please join us!
- Children’s Chapel for children age 3 through 2nd grade will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service. Immediately following the Collect, children may follow the cross processional to the Youth Wing.
- Children’s bulletins, crayon packs, and pipe cleaners are available on the desk in the Narthex.
- The presence of children is a gift to the Church, and children are always welcome in our services. If you feel the need, Nursery Care for babies and young children is available-please see an usher to escort you to the Nursery (Kids’ Club). Our Bride’s Room is in the back of the Sanctuary and is open to anyone needing a place for a crying baby or restless child.
- Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Peace & Justice: Judging Others.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided), and High School meets in Room 10.
- Advent Play Practice 4-5 pm: Please have lines memorized!
- EYC Tonight: It’s a game night, so bring any game you think a group might want to play and we’ll bring out our collection too.