Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, May 7, 2017

Taizé Prayer Service tonight:  Please join us for a youth-lead Taizé service on tonight from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Chapel.  This is a short, elegantly simple service: short chants, repeated over and over in the candlelit chapel.  There will also be short Scripture readings and silence.  Brother John, a Taizé monk says, “It is a time to rest in God, to let the words listened to and sung penetrate one’s being” says.  We hope you can join us.

Adult Formation:  Today in the Chapel from 10:15 – 11:00 a.m., led by clergy and entitled “The Acts of the Apostles, Part II.”  Coffee and cookies are available in the Chapel narthex before class.  This is the last class in our Spring 2017 program calendar.

FAITH AND INCARCERATION: You may have heard that our country is home to less than 5% of the world’s population, but we are also home to almost 25% of the world’s prisoners.  How did this happen and what are the consequences of mass incarceration to our families and communities?  Do we have a role in alleviating the toll that incarceration is taking on our nation?

On Wednesday, May 10 at 7:00 p.m., Saint Francis UMC (2965 Kildaire Farm Rd 27518) will host Miea Walker, the Second Chance Alliance Engagement Coordinator for the North Carolina Justice Center, to speak on Faith, Families, and Incarceration.  We will also hear from a church member whose family has been affected by incarceration.  After these presentations, we will gather in small groups to discuss our own assumptions and fears, respectfully listen to others with whom we may disagree, and explore strategies to engage in building relationships around this issue.  This event will take place in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) to the left of the Sanctuary.

Habitat for Humanity:  St. Paul’s is, once again, partnering with several local Episcopal churches and organizations for a Habitat build in Southeast Raleigh, located in the Crosstowne neighborhood at 921 Skinner Drive.  All are encouraged to participate at any time throughout the build, but St. Paul’s has been allotted a special parish “work day” on May 20 where our church will get priority for volunteer participation.  Volunteers must be 16 years or older (volunteers under 18 years of age must bring a parent/guardian waiver on their volunteer date).  To register for one or many days of volunteering and to obtain necessary waiver forms, go to http://vhub.at/EpiscopalBuild17.  If you have any questions, contact Dave Mackie at dwmackie@gmail.com or phone/text at 919-260-6707.

BAPTISMS: Today at the 11:15 a.m. service, we rejoice in the baptisms of Kai Luis Burgos, son of Carlos and Monica Burgos; Charlotte Sarah Fisher, daughter of Adam and Sarah Fisher; Maren Isabel Prudente, daughter of John and Natalie Prudente; and Owen John Prudente, son of John and Natalie Prudente.

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS:  The Vestry is providing a parish update in the church following the 9:00 a.m. service today. In lieu of coffee hour in the Parish Hall, coffee and ice water will be served in the narthex before the meeting.
Next week join the Fellowship Events Team for a delicious Strawberry and Ice Cream Social in the Parish Hall during coffee hour. This event is one of the many parish gatherings throughout the year that the Fellowship Events Committee offers for fun and fellowship.

SENIOR MINISTRY OFFERING:  Overwhelmed with “Stuff”?  Do you need to organize or prepare for a move?  On Wednesday, May 10th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing, Susan Stanhope, a Certified Senior Move Manager, will offer many good ideas.  RSVP or arrange transportation on the St. Paul’s website or contact Jean Huey, jehuey@outlook.com or 919-303-5769.

Refuge for Refugees ESL Training:  Please join us for beginning ESL training on Sunday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  Gale Herrman, who teaches ESL at Wake Tech, will provide us with information about how to get started teaching ESL.  We look forward to learning about how to assist our refugee families in developing effective English skills.

AMAZON SMILE: St. Paul’s is now an active charity on Amazon Smile where Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charities selected by the customer!  Go to smile.amazon.com and when asked to select your charity, select “St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Cary, NC” (be sure not to select the St. Paul’s that includes the Diocese of NC in the title).  Or, you can go directly to the St. Paul’s link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/56-1327988.  Happy Shopping!

Kids’ Club: Friendly reminder, please leave your cellphone on vibrate for texts during service.  The nursery staff may need you to return for your child.

Appalachia Service Project (ASP) brings thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families.  Their mission is to make homes “Warmer, Safer, and Drier.”  St. Paul’s is once again going with a team of youth and adults.  This year we will go June 25 – July 1 to a location in North Carolina.  There are limited spaces available for youth who are rising 9th graders – graduating seniors.  To sign up, contact Kevin Swann at swann.kev@gmail.com.

CURSILLO weekend will be held at St. Paul’s on June 8‑11, 2017.  Please consider becoming a participant, especially if you are looking for something more in your spiritual life.  Cursillo is a spiritual renewal ministry in the Episcopal Church for men and women.  For more information please contact Rev. Candy Snively at 919-380-7101 or candy.snively@att.net.

Preschool Summer FUNdraiser-  Please let us know if you own a business or have a contact with a local business that would be willing to donate to the Preschool.  We are searching for items to be raffled off on Thursday, May 18th at our Summer FUNdraiser.  Proceeds from the raffle will go towards items for the playground and classrooms.  Please email Brooke Bowersox at stpaulspreschoolcary@gmail.com for the donation letter or with any questions.  We appreciate your support!

ACOLYTES NEEDED: Calling all 5th-12th graders!  St. Paul’s needs more volunteers to be acolytes during church.  It is a great way to contribute to the church, get community service hours for your school, and it is lots of fun to be part of the service.  Are you interested but worried you won’t know what to do?  No problem!  We will provide training for you to go over all the things you need to know.  Anyone with interest should contact Jodi Jeffries at jmjeffries81@gmail.com.  Come be a part of our group!

GET TO KNOW OUR COMMUNITY NEIGHBORS: On Saturday, June 17, St. Paul’s will again join with other Cary churches and the Cary Police Department to host a summer party for residents of the Wrenn Drive area.  We’ll have crafts and face-painting for the kids.  Come help out at this fun event.  If you are a teenager studying Spanish, this is a great opportunity to try out your language skills!  See the website (search for GoDo) for the link to sign up.  Financial contributions to the event are also welcome!

PAUL’S ANNUAL PICNIC: Everyone is invited to gather for St. Paul’s Annual Picnic on Sunday, May 21. We will have two worship services, 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., with food service and picnic fun beginning immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service. The St. Paul’s Men’s group will provide hot dogs and hamburgers, as well as chips and dessert.  Everyone is asked to bring a side dish to share.  Children’s Ministries will be hosting a giant inflatable slide, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and other forms of fun for the children.  This will be a wonderful way to kick off the summer, so please join us for food, fun, and fellowship!

 Children’s Ministries

  • The 2016-2017 Children’s Collection Basket is collecting funds to host a Note in the Pocket Sort Day on June 4, 2017. So far, we have collected $2221.63 toward our $3000.00 goal.  We have 4 more Sundays to make up the difference … Can you please help us reach our goal?
  • Children’s Chapel will be held at only at the 9:00 a.m. service today. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade are invited to follow the children’s cross processional to the Youth Wing.  Children will return to the Sanctuary during the Peace.
  • Today is the last day of Sunday School for the 2016-2017 School Year.  Please be sure to say an extra special thank you to your teachers!
  • Mark your calendars for July 10-14, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for our 2017 VBS, Abundance Orchard: Where Faith Grows!  Registration forms are in the Narthex.  We are also in need of parent volunteers to lead the story telling center, games center and 3-year-old group.  Participant registration forms are due May 15.  We also need youth volunteers.  Please contact Stacy Lyerly at slyerly33@gmail.com to sign up to help.


  • Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Peace & Justice: Is God Just?” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing.  Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • EYC Tonight 5:00-7:00 p.m.: Taizé We will be preparing our Taize Service that will be held tonight at 7:00. We need as many youth involved in this, so come help. We will also play games tonight and eat dinner before the Taizé service.