COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Memorial Garden Ministry is providing refreshments in front of the church between the 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. services today. This ministry seeks to provide a special, spiritual place for the interment of ashes and the remembrance of family and friends.
Sunday Mornings: The NOOMA series of modern parables by Rob Bell continues this morning in the Youth Wing, following the 9:00 a.m. service. Get some lemonade and cookies, and join us for a short video, 10-14 minutes long, and informal discussion. You will have plenty of time to get to the 10:45 a.m. service.
Wednesday Evenings: The Adult Formation Committee will again share the BBC Series, A History of Christianity, hosted by Diarmaid MacCulloch at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing. The videos are an hour long. Anyone who wants to stay for informal discussion is welcome.
⦁ July 25 – Reformation: The Individual Before God
⦁ August 1 – Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion
⦁ August 8 – God in the Dock
MONTHLY DEVOTIONALS: “Welcoming in Christ” is the discipleship-stewardship emphasis linking St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary and the Anniversary Capital Campaign. To supplement this, each month a special devotional reflection will be offered. The theme for July is “appreciation for lay leadership.” You can find these devotionals on our St. Paul’s website ( If you’d like to share your thoughts on a theme, you may email them to
Welcoming in Christ – The Anniversary Capital Campaign, Volunteers Needed: We are looking for volunteers to stuff envelopes for the campaign, help set up a tour of our campus, tour facilitators, and volunteers to hand out sealed packets for the capital campaign on our anniversary. All volunteer sessions will occur at different times and for about an hour each. Thank you for all that you do for St. Paul’s! Link to sign up: or email Debra Mehta at
Vision Tours Occurring Throughout August: The Welcoming in Christ Campaign committee is happy to announce vision tours occurring every Sunday in August from 10:00-10:45 a.m. Your tour guides will guide you through our current facilities to honor the memories of our spaces and to help you envision what the new spaces will look like after our Capital Campaign! We’ll meet you in the Narthex, near the choir room, to start our tour.
SUMMER CONTRIBUTIONS: Dear Parishioners – I hope you are having a wonderful summer! We normally don’t write a Warden’s Corner update during the summer, but I want to update you on current stewardship and upcoming events. Stewardship contributions traditionally lag a little during summer, but this summer, for some reason, is more of an exception than the rule. Please prayerfully consider bringing your 2018 stewardship pledge payments up to date. This will help us keep the lights on, clergy and clerical staff paid, and infrastructure like air conditioners etc. working.
Sunday September 16th is the 60th celebration of St. Paul’s and the official kick-off for the Welcoming in Christ – The Anniversary Capital Campaign. To date we have received over $900,000 in capital campaign pledges, but we have a long way to go to reach our goal of $3,250,000. In Peace – Jeff Kager, Senior Warden
LOBSTER FEST SAVE THE DATE: On Saturday October 6, St. Paul’s Lobster Fest returns! More information on this event will be on the St. Paul’s website soon.
Veterans and Military Outreach (VMO) needs your help to ensure our Military and Veterans receive the necessary supplies to beat the heat this summer. Simply drop off sunscreen, lip balm, and foot powder in the VMO Wagon.
- The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2019 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 9, 2019. We have collected $208.41 toward our $3000 goal!
- Children’s Chapel will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service. All children ages 3 through 2nd grade are welcome. Please follow the children’s cross processional following the Collect.
- Sunday School Teachers are needed for the 2018-19 School Year! We have openings in Kindergarten (2 spots), 3rd grade (2 spots) and 5th grade (1 spot). Please contact Christine Ingram for more information.
- Movie Outing July 31: We’ll meet at the Stone Theatre at Park West 14 in Morrisville ⦁ on Tuesday, July 31 at 9:30 a.m. to see “Despicable Me 3.” The movie starts at 10:00 a.m. and the admission is only $1.00. Pick up is at 11:45 a.m. RSVP needed by July 30 at 3:00 pm to
- Friday Fun Night in the Youth Wing on August 3rd from 7-10 pm. Come ready for games, maybe a campfire, and who knows what else. RSVP needed by August 2 at 12:00 pm to If 10:00 pm is too late for you (or your parents!), Dinner will NOT be served, just some snacks.