Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, Feb 4, 2018

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS:  The Winter Mini Ministry Fair is being held in the Parish Hall during coffee hour today. The three mini fairs each year highlight different groups. Some of the ministries present at this fair include: Care and Share, Refuge for Refugees, Wheels4Hope, Dorcas Ministries, Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, Fellowship Events Team, Endowment, Men’s Group, Ushers, Pulse, Newcomer Ministry, and Capital Campaign visioning.

Next week the Men’s Group will be hosting coffee hour. This group fosters fellowship while providing various service projects and activities for the parish, including Lobster Fest, Men’s Beach Week, and food for the Parish Picnic and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.

ADULT FORMATION:  Worshiping with the Saints and Mystics of the Church (Sundays in the Chapel, 10:15-11:00 a.m.)  Join us today as the Rev. George Adamik leads a discussion of Thomas Merton, 20th century Trappist monk, theologian, and author. Merton strongly believed that our everyday life is our spiritual life, and that spiritual formation is grounded in the experience of relationships and community.

Next Sunday, February 11, the Capital Campaign Committee will hold a second vision and planning presentation in the Chapel.

On Wednesday evening, February 7, the Adult Formation Committee invites you to the series, A Church Epiphany. These sessions explore what has sometimes been described as an epiphany for the church, or the emerging church. We will hear and discuss Brian McLaren’s talk, “The Great Spiritual Migration.”

Murder Mystery Dinner and Fundraiser: “Miss Iggy’s Saloon Showdown: A Wild West Who Done It on Saturday, February 17th at 6:30 p.m. Back by popular demand, the youth of St. Paul’s will be presenting another juicy murder mystery and dinner. Our mystery is set in Deadwood, a downtrodden, almost forgotten town. Someone – but who? – is driven to murder. Come help discover who done it. The event will be from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and child care will be provided. Tickets are $20.00 per person and there will also be a wine cash bar. Proceeds will go towards Youth Mission trips. Please RSVP at https://goo.gl/forms/Ylpre2vPeVjpEDzr2. Contact Leah Dail at Leah.Dail@stpaulscary.org for more information.

SENIOR MINISTRY:  The monthly breakfast social event is this week, as usual, on the first Wednesday of the month, February 7 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. at IHOP on Kildaire Farm Road. Reservations are not required; just show up.

Cursillo Weekend – April 5-8, 2018: If you are looking for something more in your spiritual life, or if you need a “kick-start,” you may want to consider attending the next Cursillo Weekend being conducted in the Diocese of NC.  The weekend will be held at All Saints Episcopal Church in Concord, NC., April 5-8, 2018. Cursillo is a spiritual renewal ministry in the Episcopal Church for men and women. The cost of the weekend is fifty dollars ($50.00) which includes accommodations and all meals. For more information, about this Cursillo Weekend, contact your parish priest, or go to the Cursillo website, nccursillo.org.  At the Cursillo website, you’ll find Pilgrim, Sponsor, and Weekend Team applications, which should be mailed to the Weekend Leader’s mailing address, P.O. Box 859, Lewisville, NC 27023.

Adult Confirmation Classes during Lent: If you would like to explore the Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition, adult confirmation preparation is an excellent way to begin the journey. Confirmation classes for adults will take place on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel beginning on February 13 – immediately following the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper – and continue through the Lenten season.

Attendance is expected if you would like to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church during the Bishop’s Visit (date TBD). You are welcome, however, to attend classes even if you do not plan to be confirmed.  Please email the Rev. Javier Almendarez Bautista at javier@stpaulscary.org if you plan to attend.

Prayer Stitchers:  Got Yarn?  We need your yarn remnants to continue our ministry of providing warmth and comfort.  Even a small piece of yarn will be put to good use.  If you have yarn left over from a project, we would be honored to give that yarn new life that will help needy people in our community.  Yarn donations can be left in the hall across from the choir room or can be taken to the office during the week if you would like a donation receipt.  Our yarn supplies are low, and we will gratefully accept all donations!  Questions?  Call Carolyn Anderson, 919-460-9525.

WINTER MINI MINISTRY FAIR will be held today in the Parish Hall during coffee hour. Different ministries are highlighted at the three mini fairs held each year. Here are some of the groups which will be on hand at this fair: Care and Share, Adult Formation, Newcomer Ministry, Refuge for Refugees, Dorcas Ministries, Pulse, Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, Men’s Group, Fellowship Events Team, Wheels for Hope, and Ushers.

Diocesan Absalom Jones Celebration in Greensboro:  on Saturday, February 10 at 10:30 a.m., the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Greensboro will host a Service of Holy Communion to commemorate the Reverend Absalom Jones (1746 – 1818), the first African-American priest in The Episcopal Church, ordained 1802. Offerings will benefit two of the Episcopal Church’s Historically-Black colleges and universities: St. Augustine’s University in Raleigh, NC and Voorhees College in Denmark, SC. Festive reception to follow.

APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT (ASP) brings thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families.  Their mission is to make homes “Warmer, Safer, and Drier.”  St. Paul’s is once again going with a team of youth and adults.  This year we will go June 24 – June 30 to a location in Tennessee.  Registration for the ASP Trip has begun.  There are limited spaces available for youth who are rising 9th graders – graduating seniors.  To sign up, contact Kevin Swann at swann.kev@gmail.com or (919) 607-5913.

ASP SPAGHETTI DINNER:  Enjoy fellowship and fabulous food at this ASP fundraiser.  This year’s Spaghetti Dinner will be from 6 – 8 pm on Friday, March 9th, in the Parish Hall.  Individual plates are $5.00 for children and $8.00 for adults or feed the family for $20.00. There will also be an auction of baskets.  Join us for a fun night!  Our youth and adult volunteers will be volunteering with ASP in Tennessee during the week of June 24 – 30 this summer, and we appreciate your support.  (If you have any questions about the Appalachia Service Project, please contact Kevin Swann at swann.kev@gmail.com.)


  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. We have collected $1351.98 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Children’s Ministries will be at the Mini Ministry Fair today. Please drop by and see us!
  • Sunday School will start at 10:10 a.m. in the Education Building and Children’s Chapel, for children ages 3-2nd grade, will be held at the 9:00 a.m. service.
  • Calling all Vacation Bible School (VBS) volunteers!  It is time to start planning our 2018 VBS, Journey to Bethlehem.  2018 VBS will be June 18-25 (note the date change).  Please email Christine Ingram if you are interested in volunteering or heading up the Story or Craft centers.  Meetings will be minimal and will start in late January.
  • Lent Activities for Children: Pancake Supper on February 13, Ash Wednesday Service at 5:45 p.m. on February 14. Mite Boxes and Easter Countdowns will be distributed soon.
  • Pre-EYC meets next Sunday, February 11, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Urban Ministries for a tour and volunteering.  We hope many of our 4th and 5th graders and their families will attend.
  • The presence of children is a gift to the Church and children are always welcome in our services. If you feel the need, Nursery care for babies and young children is available – please see an usher to escort you to the Nursery (Kids’ Club).  Our Bride’s Room is in the back of the Sanctuary and is open to anyone needing a place for a crying baby or restless child.


  • Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Peace & Justice – Environmental Issues: Saving for Later.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • EYC Tonight 4:00-5:00 p.m.: Please note the change in time. We are going back to pick up the Souper Bowl food donations from the neighborhood and need lots of help. Wear appropriate clothing and shoes! There is no dinner served – eat at your Super Bowl parties.
  • Murder Mystery Rehearsal: 3:30-5:00 p.m. tonight. Note that it’s earlier than usual.