SUNDAY: All are welcome to join Andrew Zawierucha in the Chapel from 10:15 – 11:00 a.m. for the continuation of a weekly series on The Prophetic Voices of Scripture. Today’s class is about the prophets Zechariah and Malachi. Coffee is available in the Chapel narthex before class.
Next Sunday we begin a Lenten series on “Faith and the Common Life,” led by the Rev. Javier E. Almendárez Bautista. Join us as we explore how our faith informs our public witness.
NO CLASS ON ASH WEDNESDAY: On March 8, we will begin a Lenten study on spiritual exercises that have enriched the lives of Christians for hundreds of years. Watch for additional information in the March newsletter, bulletin notices, and on the church website.
APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT (ASP) brings thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to repair homes for low-income families. Their mission is to make homes “Warmer, Safer, and Drier.” St. Paul’s is once again going with a team of youth and adults. This year we will go June 25 – July 1 to a location in North Carolina. There are limited spaces available for youth (rising 9th graders – graduating seniors) and adults. For more information or to sign up, contact Kevin Swann at
SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER: It is a long-standing Anglican tradition to mark Shrove Tuesday – the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent – with a celebratory community gathering and a pancake supper. Join us on Feb. 28 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall for a festive gathering and good food. Costs are $7 per adult: $3 for each school-age (K-12) child: pre-school-age children are free, and there is a cap of $20 per family. The tradition of eating pancakes represents a final hearty meal – full of sugar, fat, and eggs – before the penitential season of Lent: just don’t forget about Ash Wednesday services the next day.
7:00 AM: Ash Wednesday Service, Imposition of Ashes
12:00 NOON: Ash Wednesday Service, Imposition of Ashes
5:45 PM: Ash Wednesday Service for Families, Imposition of Ashes
7:00 PM: Ash Wednesday Service, Imposition of Ashes
THE FELLOWSHIP EVENTS TEAM invites you to the 2nd Annual BBQ Luncheon on Saturday, March 11th in the Parish Hall. Luncheon includes chicken and pulled pork, made with a special sauce, and served with delicious sides. Food will be served 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Take out will be available.) Tickets on sale now through March 5 during coffee hour, before and after Sunday Services. Tickets are $10.00/adult and $5.00/child. Join us for food and fellowship. For more information contact Toni Holderied 919-387-8225 or
PRAYER LIST RENEWAL: We ask that those who have requested friends and loved ones be included on the prayer list, email the office at or call the office at 467-1477 extension 10, to renew the request by Monday, February 27, 2017. Call or email anytime to remove a name. Please do not assume that we know the name should be renewed.
BISHOP ELECTION: For those who will not be attending the Special Electing Convention but want to follow the events of the day, there are several ways it can be done.
- The election will be livestreamed, and it can be watched either on the diocesan website or the bishop search website. (
- For those who don’t want to watch but want to follow news throughout the day, we encourage them to download the Convention app (via Yapp), where we’ll be posting ballot results and updates as they happen.
- We will also share updates and ballot results via diocesan social media channels (specifically Facebook and Twitter).
If anyone wants to learn more about the candidates, all information – including videos, town hall and whistle stop recordings, theological reflections, short biographies, personal statements, resumes, and a Q&A can be found on the bishop search website.
HERMANO DAY: Sunday, March 26 is our annual “Hermano Day.” We will be joined by representatives from the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry. Please bring donations of men’s clothing and bedding to church that day. These items are for migrant farmworkers who have just arrived in North Carolina. Migrant laborers journey here with just the clothes on their backs and live in remote labor camps. The Episcopal Farmworker Ministry in Newton Grove, NC, provides men in 47 labor camps with clothing, bedding, food, medicine, and a sacramental ministry.
The following donations are needed and welcomed: men’s work pants (smaller sizes), men’s long-sleeved shirts (small sizes), men’s socks and underwear, sheets (twin are best), towels, blankets, dried pinto beans, rice and tortillas. Clothing and bedding can be new or used. Monetary donations are always welcome. Please make checks out to the “Episcopal Farmworker Ministry.”
REFUGE FOR REFUGEES (R4R): We invite all of St. Paul’s to a Welcome Home Party for our latest refugee family, the Mahamad family from Somalia. Please join us today at 12:30 p.m. (after the 11:15 service) in the Parish Hall to celebrate this new family and their bravery.
DORCAS MINISTRIES: We collected 463 rolls of toilet paper on Sunday, February 12 for the Dorcas Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity.
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) is hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 service today. MOMS is a special course which offers mothers a place to share the stresses, concerns, and positive experiences that have influenced their spiritual growth. All parishioners – not just mothers! – are invited to stop by, enjoy coffee and refreshments, and find out more about this unique ministry.
Next week is Scout Sunday, and members of various local scout troops will be hosting coffee hour. Scouting fosters self-esteem, a sense of value and belonging, accountability, service, leadership, and teamwork. Stop by to learn more about scouting opportunities in our area.
CHURCH WORK DAY: Please join us on March 4th, 2017 for our next volunteer work day! Our buildings are due for a bit of maintenance and “TLC.” We will need help with painting, washing, replacing, installing, removing, and even de-greasing around campus! We will meet in the Parish Hall at 9:00 a.m. and will be working for most of the day. Please feel free to come as you are able. For additional information or to offer up specific talents / resources, please contact Brent Hauser at 336-407-3285 or at
MEN’S BEACH WEEK 2017: Men’s Beach Week runs Sunday, April 23 through Sunday, April 30, 2017. Join with the men of St. Paul’s for food, fellowship, and fun at Emerald Isle in our ocean-front rental. For more information contact Men’s Group President Fill Bowen at 919-215-4543 or at Registration forms are available online or in the narthex.
WOMEN’S BEACH WEEK 2016: Mark your calendars now for April 30th through May 7th for our annual beach trip to Emerald Isle. See the sign-up poster in the narthex or contact Yvon Daniel at 919 747 1199 or email at
CURSILLO WEEKEND will be held at St. Paul’s on June 8-11, 2017. Please consider becoming a participant, especially if you are looking for something more in your spiritual life. Cursillo is a spiritual renewal ministry in the Episcopal Church for men and women. For more information please contact Rev. Candy Snively at 919-380-7101 or
ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASSES: If you are interested in exploring the Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition, adult confirmation preparation is an excellent way to begin the journey. Adult confirmation classes will take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing beginning this Wednesday, February 22, and continuing through the Lenten season.
Attendance is expected if you would like to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church during the Bishop’s visit on Easter Day. Anyone is welcome to attend the classes, however, even if you do not plan to be confirmed. Please email the Rev. Javier Almendárez Bautista at if you plan to attend.
- The 2016-2017 Children’s Collection Basket is collecting funds to host a Note in the Pocket Sort Day on June 4, 2017. So far, we have collected $1279.54 toward our $3000 goal.
- Children’s Chapel will be held at the 9:00 a.m. services only today. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade are invited to follow the children’s cross processional to the Youth Wing. Children will return to the Sanctuary during the Peace.
- Thank you to everyone for their clothing contributions to Note in the Pocket. Our donation will be delivered this week.
- Communion Class Registration forms (for baptized children ages 1st grade and up) are available in the Narthex. Please be sure to return your form by March 5, 2017.
- The Ash Wednesday Service for Families will be held Wednesday, March 1 at 5:45 p.m. Hope to see you and your children.
- Mark your calendars for July 10-14, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for St. Paul’s VBS: Abundance Orchard: Where Faith Grows! We are looking for two center leaders for crafts and another leader for snack. Any help is welcome. Please contact Stacy Lyerly at to sign up to help!
- Murder Mystery: Thank you to everyone who came to the performance last night. It was a lot of fun to share our gift of murder and mayhem with all of you. Thank you for your support of Youth Ministry. And kudos to an amazing cast and our awesome director, Emily Luke. Watch for their awards at the Oscars tonight.
- Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Difficult Decisions: Consoling Others.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
- Confirmation Class: Starts today in the Curry Center during the education hour. Parents are invited to the introduction for the first 10-15 minutes.
- EYC Tonight 5:00-7:00 .pm: We will be having fun with “All Things Lent” – games, activities, and a little learning. Come see what Lent is all about and get yourself ready.