Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, Apr 8, 2018

Men’s Beach Week (April 22-29) registration is going on now! The cost per night is $70 which includes an oceanfront beach house and food. New attendees are welcome – try out a night or two or come for the whole week. More information, registration forms, and the sign-up sheet are in the narthex / lobby. Please contact Mike McInerney at michael.k.mcinerney@gmail.com or (919)656-4629 if you have more questions.

RESCHEDULED DATE for Wake County Sponsors due to weather:
►Monday, April 9, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at Cary First Christian Church (1109 Evans Road)
Contact Katie Bricio at katiebricio13@gmail.com if you are interested in attending. All are welcome!

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Altar Guild and the Pulse Committee are co-hosting coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today. The Altar Guild plays an important behind-the-scenes role in preparing the altar for all regular and special worship services. The Pulse Committee contacts parishioners by phone for feedback on parish life. You are invited to stop by, enjoy some refreshments, and find out more about these opportunities to serve our parish.

The Spring Mini Ministry Fair will take place next Sunday and the participating ministries will be hosting coffee hour. The three mini fairs each year highlight different groups. A few of the groups present at this fair will include: Appalachia Service Project (ASP), Communications Committee, GoDo Service Ministry, Capital Campaign, Memorial Garden, Heifer International, Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS), and the Senior Ministry.

Fellowship Events Team invites you to the 3rd annual BBQ Luncheon on Saturday, April 14th in the Parish Hall. Luncheon includes chicken or pulled pork, made with a special sauce, served with delicious sides and dessert. Food will be served from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Take out available.) Tickets are $10.00/adult and $5.00/child. On sale today during coffee hour and in front of the church after the Sunday services. Tickets can also be reserved online at https://tinyurl.com/stpauls2018bbq. Join us for food and fellowship! For more information contact: fellowship@stpaulscary.org.

APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT CHORE DAY (ASP): Need some help moving that mulch you just bought? Maybe you need some help in the yard or spring cleaning? ASP volunteers are here to help. To help fund our mission trip to Tennessee this year, we would like to help you with some of those spring chores on Saturday, May 12th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. We will fit in as many jobs as we can, but it is a first come first serve! Please contact Susannah Vitaglione at susannahv@gmail or (919) 619-5103 if you would like to hire some ASP youth volunteers. (Please keep in mind that we won’t be using dangerous machinery or pick out poison ivy.)

MOMS Transitions: Please join MOMS Transitions (formerly MOMS College Conversation) for conversation and fellowship on Thursday, April 26, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the youth wing. Open to mothers of high school juniors through young adults, this is a time to get together, share wisdom, and enjoy each other’s company. There is no preparation or homework. Bring a snack to share and join us! If you have questions, contact Alana Loughlin at alanaloughlin@bellsouth.net, Katie Bricio at katiebricio13@gmail.com, or Aleta McClenney at aleta@att.net.

Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) is preparing two fall sessions: one for “Baby Moms” (infants through 5th graders) and one for “TNT Moms” (teens and tweens). The focus of MOMS is connection, support, and growth during the changes and challenges you will face on your motherhood journey. The groups will meet one evening per week for seven weeks starting in September and ending in October. See the website for more details as we get closer and email Ann Lockhart at annlockhart1@gmail.com to get on the interested list or with any questions. Attention MOMS Alumni: we will be calling on you for logistical support, watch your email, and thanks.

ADULT FORMATION: There will be no Adult Formation today, April 8, and April 15.

Join us in the chapel on April 22, 2018, from 10:15-11:00 a.m., when we begin a new Adult Formation series, Spiritual Practices in Daily Life.

On Wednesday evening, April 18, 2018, the Adult Formation Committee invites you to the start of a new series, Half-Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say. (7:00 p.m. in the Youth Wing)

NEWCOMER MINISTRY will host a Newcomer Gathering on Sunday, April 22, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the Curry Center. We’ll have a simple supper and time to get to know each other. If you have visited St. Paul’s recently and would like to chat with the clergy, some ministry leaders, or other new folks like yourself, please come! It will be casual and friendly. The Curry Center is located at the north end of the parking lot. Follow the side walk through the wooded area to the Curry Center. Please RSVP to at annewlaney@gmail.com by April 16 and let us know if you can or cannot attend. We hope to see you on April 22!

MONTHLY DEVOTIONALS: Welcoming in Christ is a discipleship-stewardship emphasis linking St. Paul’s 60th Anniversary and the Anniversary Capital Campaign. To supplement this, each month a special devotional centered on a particular theme will be offered. The theme for April is “Easter and Eastertide with celebrations of renewal and resurrection: Focus on children and youth along with their leaders.” You can find these devotionals on our St. Paul’s website (www.stpaulscary.org). If you’d like to share your thoughts on a theme, you may email them to reflections@stpaulscary.org.

    The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. We have collected $2191.36 toward our goal of $3000.00.
    Children’s Chapel, for children ages 3-2nd grade, will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service. Sunday School is on vacation until April 15.
  • VBS Participant Registration forms are available in the Narthex on the table with the children’s crayon packs.
    Communion Classes start next Sunday, April 15 at 10:10 a.m. The class will gather on the kitchen side of the youth wing and then move to the Sanctuary.
  • The presence of children is a gift to the Church and children are always welcome in our services. If you feel the need, Nursery Care for babies and young children is available-please see an usher to escort you to the Nursery (Kids’ Club). Our Bride’s Room is in the back of the sanctuary and is open to anyone needing a place for a crying baby or restless child. Children’s bulletins, crayon packs, and pipe cleaners are available on the desk in the Narthex.


  • No Sunday School.
  • EYC Tonight 5-7: This is a surprise EYC since we haven’t been together for a while. Come to game night to have a relaxing evening before the school week begins. Bring an appetizer or hearty snack to share (there won’t be dinner served). We will provide drinks.
  • Diocesan Event for Middle Schoolers: Genesis, April 13-15. Signups are open on the Diocesan website: http://www.dionc.org/digital_faith/events/3175003.

SPRING MINI MINISTRY FAIR: This event will be held in the Parish Hall during coffee hour on April 15. Different ministries are highlighted at each of the three mini fairs held each year. Here are some of the groups which will be on hand at this fair: Memorial Garden, Communications, Heifer International, MOMS, Mystery Book Group, Outreach, Prayer Stitchers, Senior Ministry, and Women’s Study Group.