(edited version)
- Children’s Chapel will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15am services. This Chapel is for children ages 3 through 2nd Please follow the cross processional to the youth wing.
- Clergy-led Chapel will be held at today’s 9:00 a.m. service. This Chapel is for 3rd-5th Please follow Rev. Dr. Cathy through the courtyard to the Chapel.
- Our Children’s Stewardship Basket is collecting for Stop Hunger Now. Please contribute as the children continue their collection toward our $2900 goal that will sponsor a children’s Stop Hunger Now Day in May 2016. Money for this event will be collected June 1, 2015 through May 15, 2016. To date we have collected $619.12.
- Pumpkin Carving is TODAY! We can’t wait to see everyone at 5:00 p.m. in the parish hall. Children’s and Youth Ministries will host food, fun, fellowship, trunk or treat, and a carnival! Your family won’t want to miss it! Remember to bring your gutless pumpkin and a non-dessert, non-chip side dish to share. Costumes are welcome and encouraged!
- PJ SUNDAY is next Sunday, Nov. 1. All children and their parents are invited to wear their PJs to church! Come to church and be comfy in celebration of Daylight Saving!
- Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Relationships: Getting to Know Others – Walls Between Us.” Middle School meets in the youth wing. High School meets in Room 10. The education hour is from 10:10 -11:00 a.m.
- EYC, Tonight 3:00 – 8:00 p.m: Carnival & Trunk or Treat – Note the change in time. We will need additional time for set-up and clean-up. Middle Schoolers will be setting up and running the Carnival games and High Schoolers will be decorating the cars for Trunk or Treat. Feel free to wear a costume. We need lots of youth because this is a BIG event and a major fundraiser for the Middle School Episcopal Farmworkers’ Ministry projects.
NEWCOMER CLASS: There is a Newcomer class for all who are interested in learning about St. Paul’s. Please join us Thursday evenings, Oct. 29, and Nov. 5, in the youth wing, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. The classes will be led by Father George, while other clergy and ministry leaders will come in to share information about the many opportunities in which to participate. For more information, contact Frank and Anne Laney,, 919-460-0835.
YOU ARE INVITED to share your vision and thoughts about your personal connection to our church and the role of the church in your life. Your voice is important as we move forward in parish growth and development process, and this is a wonderful opportunity for you to share. Led by parish development specialist Peter Saros, M.Div., these small group discussions will take place on:
Friday, November 6, 6-8 pm – a pizza dinner for young families, with food for all & entertainment (a magician!) & childcare
Saturday, November 7, 12-2 pm – a catered luncheon for seniors
Saturday, November 7, 7-9 pm – a wine, cheese, & dessert event, for members of any / all ages (or for those who don’t fit into the above categories.)
Please visit the St. Paul’s website (click here) for details and a link to our SignUpGenius, by email (to, or by calling the office at 919-467-1477. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to add your voice to the conversation.
COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Arts and Crafts Festival Committee is hosting coffee hour in the parish hall following the 9:00 a.m. service today. Stop by to learn more about this exciting upcoming event which features local artisans, a festival café, food trucks, a silent auction, and more. Proceeds from this event will benefit numerous outreach ministries at St. Paul’s.
Next week the Memorial Garden Committee will be hosting coffee hour. This ministry works to provide a beautiful, spiritual space for the interment of ashes and the remembrance of family and friends. Join them for coffee and snacks and to learn more about their ministry.
CONVERSATION AND COMMUNITY, an adult education small group discussion, meets Sunday mornings in the conference room between the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services. Selections from Brian McLaren’s book, “We Make the Road by Walking,” are used to facilitate spiritually-focused conversation and to foster friendships. There is no need to sign up, no homework, and nothing to bring but yourself! This group is for anyone looking for something more casual than adult education forums in the chapel, but more structured than coffee hour. For more information, contact Kasia Hinkson at or at 919-869-5106.
RAINBOW GATHERING is a group for LGBTQ individuals, friends, and families. Our goal is to provide a safe zone where we can celebrate and affirm our identities and fellowship with each other. We meet every 3rd Friday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the youth wing. For more information text Andrea at 919-348-9599.
BREAD MINISTRY bakes and delivers bread to visitors each week. Bakers are needed to bake two loaves of bread and bring them to the church kitchen two or three times a year. Drivers are needed to deliver the bread to visitors on Sundays after the service. Each of these jobs requires only a small time commitment and is a great way to welcome newcomers. Would you like to help with the bread ministry? Please contact Sally Moller at
ADULT EDUCATION: All are welcome to attend forums in the chapel between the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services. This morning, join Rev. George Adamik for “Biblical and Theological Dimensions,” the third and final session of dialogue and holy conversation in a series entitled: “Dearly Beloved, Witnessing and Blessing of Lifelong Covenant.” Next week Rev. J Carr Holland, III will lead the forum on the topic of “Holy Women and Holy Men.”
ADULT BIBLE STUDY: God Is Faithful a seven-session course led by the Rev. George Adamik, will be held October 28-December 16. This course explores the relationship between God and people, which is at the heart of the Bible’s story, a relationship sparked by God’s initiative, sustained by God’s promise, and sealed in covenant terms. Participants have a cost of $18 for a resource book. Child care is available. Enroll by email to Beth Barnes, or at the Adult Education display in the narthex.
ASP FALL CHORE DAY: Calling all youth patrons! Have a job at home that needs to get done? Need a garden mulched or yard raked? Need a garage cleaned? Help us help you! The youth of St. Paul’s are offering their services to raise money to go on Appalachia Service Project (ASP) Mission Trip this year. The ASP chore day will take place on Saturday, November 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. To sign up for a work crew to come to your home or if you have more questions, contact Kevin Swann at or 919-607-5913. Rain or shine.
ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL: Is it time to clean out your bookshelves? We’re planning a used book sale again this year as part of the Arts & Crafts Festival on Saturday, November 14. We’re looking for donations of books in very good condition. (No encyclopedias, textbooks, or outdated travel guides, please.) All proceeds will go to Outreach. You can drop off your books at the table by the coat rack beginning Sunday, November 1.
We need bakers! Do you like to bake cookies, or do you have another specialty? Please check our festival webpage for the SignUpGenius for the bake sale, or email Gail Duncan at
Please check our web page for more information on the Festival:
FAITH ON TAP: Bottle shops! They’ve sprung up everywhere. So let’s try a few of them out! Here are the upcoming dates and locations for Faith On Tap. We will meet at 7:30 p.m.
November 21 – Tasty Beverage Co. – 327 W. Davie Street, Suite 106, Raleigh
December 19 – Neighborhood Bottle Shop – 1341 Kildaire Farm Road, Cary
Contact Tyrus Cohan, with any questions.
THE LITTLE RED WAGON: The Little Red Wagon is always ready to take your non-perishable food items to be delivered to the Urban Ministries food pantry. Needs right now include peanut butter, cereal, soup, and canned fruit, but whatever is on sale at the grocery store will be used to help families who are having trouble feeding their children. We are always happy to have your extra paper or plastic grocery bags for packing. Thank you for your continued support.
Fellowship Event: Please join the fellowship team for our annual trek to Replacements Limited in Greensboro on November 21st. We will be meeting in the parking lot at St. Paul’s before 9.30 a.m. and carpooling to Greensboro with a stop for lunch at a place to be determined. We will be back at St. Paul’s by 4:00 p.m. Replacements is a huge warehouse emporium of silver, china, crystal, and many gift items so you can get a jump start on your holiday shopping. For further information, call Barbara Brickman at 919-469-9966 and look for a sign-up sheet in the narthex.
STAY AT HOME PARENTS GROUP (SAHP): Join us in Kids’ Club on the 1st Tuesday and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:35 a.m. to socialize with other parents and find playmates for your little ones. We have no requirements or agenda, just come to chat and play! Contact for more information and to be added to our email list.
Backpacks for Veterans collection drive will continue through next Sunday, Nov 1. The following items are needed: rugged new backpacks, travel-size personal care items, flip flops, gym socks, wipes, and t-shirts. You may drop off the items in the narthex. We also need help in sorting and filling the backpacks in the parish hall during coffee hour on Nov 1. The filled backpacks will be delivered to the Durham VA Hospital and dispersed to local homeless / transitioning veterans. If you have any questions, please contact Brenda St. Laurent at