Worship. Serve. Grow.

Kids’ Club

The Nursery (Kids’ Club) is located in the Education Building.

To find the Kids’ Club, please enter through the Preschool entrance in the Courtyard. It will be the first classroom on your left.

  • Kids’ Club is available during the 9:00 a.m. service through Coffee Hour
  • Infants/toddlers through 36 months (3 years old) are welcome to attend

Kids’ Club provides a safe and nurturing environment for children ages birth through 3-years old on Sunday mornings. We also care for school-age children upon request outside of Sunday mornings. Parents may attend church, teach Sunday school, sing in the choir or attend committee meetings while their children attend Kids’ Club. Our program is open for parents to visit at any time.

What will the children do while they are there?

All children will be well cared for and loved by dedicated Kids’ Club staff members and volunteers. We have age-appropriate activities for your child. We are growing right along with St. Paul’s and provide crafts, games, snacks, and a fun and safe environment for your child.

How do I arrange child care for an event at St. Paul’s?

Child care requests must be for meetings and/or events on church grounds. Please contact Laura Gorman, Kids’ Club Director (laura.gorman@stpaulscary.org) at least three weeks before the event.


Children’s Chapel

Once your child turns three, they are invited and welcome to attend Children’s Chapel on Sunday mornings. Children’s Chapel is from ages three through 5th grade and currently held during the 9:00 AM service. Children begin the service with their families, then follow the cross in procession out of the sanctuary and proceed to the Youth Wing. They return to the sanctuary after the Peace and share the Eucharist with their families

Any Additional Questions?

Please contact Laura Gorman, Kids’ Club Director. We look forward to seeing you and your children at the St. Paul’s Kids’ Club. Thank you to all parent and youth volunteers. We appreciate your service to the children and look forward to working with you!