Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 83)

Enough is Enough

In the small town where I was raised, it is common practice for the mayor to be elected from among the well known business and professional people, mainly men, often men who were in retirement. People like the former head coach of the high school football team, or the owner of the only Ford dealership in town…

The AH! Factor

About two weeks ago, Craig and I were all set to leave on vacation. I was looking forward to seeing my sister and her husband. They have a second home on Brigantine Island, which is a beach community in southern New Jersey. As we were pulling out of our driveway, this delightful feeling washed over me. I call it the AH! Factor.

The Tragedy of King Herod

Mark 6:14-29
It’s hard to have much respect for Herod, isn’t it? Not only does he call for the death of John the Baptist, but he does it in such weasel-y, passive way that he can almost say to himself that he wasn’t really to blame for what happened…

God’s Love is Freely Given

Many of you know that I’m from New York. Not that you couldn’t figure that out from my accent. I was born and raised just outside of New York City and my parents are still living there today. Growing up, I became a great fan of the New York Yankees. Many of you know that as well from past stories I’ve told…

Peace! Be Still!

In addition to being the third Sunday after Pentecost in the church’s calendar, today has several other distinctions, all of which are worthy of some attention and perhaps of celebration…

All are Welcome

Once I was asked by a newcomer to our parish, “Do you ever use incense?” And I said, “Yes we do; at least once a year. It’s kind of a hotdog-hamburger incense.” It’s a special kind of incense…

The Meaning of Pentecost

There was a time when death was only known as the loss of all things. A darkness without an end. But not any more. There was a time when those who insulted God or failed God could be punished, even in public. But not now. At least not in this country. There was a time when the dry bones of an expired life meant nothing more than dry bones. But that time is past…

Beyond the Here and Now

Here’s the short version of our reading from Acts of the Apostles: Judas gets replaced, and the apostles move on. Peter points out the importance of having 12 eyewitnesses to the resurrection and the need for Judas’ seat at the table to be filled, and two understudies (Barsabbas and Matthias) are identified. Praying for God’s help in their choice, they said, “Lord, show us which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry.” They then cast lots, and the lot fell on Matthias…