Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 74)

Youth Sunday 2011

Katie Magee
Hey, for those of you who don’t know, my name is Katie Magee and I am a senior now in the youth group. I have had the biggest honor of coming to this church for a large majority of my life…

Mark Taranto
Today is a great day because we are alive and we are filled with the spirit of the Lord. My name is Mark Taranto. I’m not quite as eloquent a speaker as our lovely Katie Magee, but I’m going to give it my best… life…

Road to Emmaus

Years ago when I was in college – at that time in my life I was considering a vocation to the priesthood – I remember that there was a priest on the faculty, and I got together with this priest and began an experience that is oftetimes referred to as spiritual direction…

The Risen Lord

In last week’s Gospel reading we rejoiced with Mary Magdelene as she discovered the empty tomb on Easter morning and ran to tell the other disciples, only to encounter Jesus himself on the way. As today’s Gospel reading begins, it is evening on the same day and the disciples, minus Thomas, are huddled behind locked doors…

New Life in Baptism

Happy Easter!! Allelulia, Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed, Allelulia! This is the night, this is the day, this is the season to celebrate new life in all of its forms!! Spring is showing up all around us…there is hope that winter is over…

Accepting the Death of Jesus

I’ve heard it said that Americans are all but schizophrenic when it comes to the subject of death. I can’t believe that we haven’t become jaded by the thousands of people we have seen beaten, tortured, gunned down, or assassinated on television or in the movies…

Where is God?

A couple had two little boys, ages 8 and 10, who were excessively mischievous. The two were always getting into trouble and their parents could be assured that if any mischief occurred in their town, their two young sons were in some way involved…

Take Off Your Crown

During a reception to honor musician Sir Robert Mayer on his 100th birthday, elderly British socialite Lady Diana Cooper fell into conversation with a friendly woman who seemed to know her well. Lady Diana’s failing eyesight prevented her from recognizing her fellow guest…

Living Into the Kingdom of God

John 9:1-41.
I’ve often said before, and I want to remind you of this to put this reading in context, and that’s this: when we read the scriptures, and we hear about the religious customs or traditions of its time, particularly Judaism, we’re not so much just reading about Judaism, but we’re really reading about all religion…

Wilderness Places

When I was growing up, my family went camping a lot. It started when I was in elementary school, camping in tents, and we even had a teepee for a little while. Then we got this trailer we pulled behind our station wagon. It was 17 feet long and seven people could sleep in it. So I still love camping but I have learned in my adult life to go “wilderness camping.”…