Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 57)

Come to Me

Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
My favorite Broadway show is Les Miserables. I’ve seen it three times. And when I was budgeting myself to see Broadway when I lived nearby in Connecticut and New Jersey I knew that I was giving up something new for something I’d already seen…

The Tassel

Matthew 10:40-42
I’ve often mentioned that I’m a late bloomer, and I’ve often shared that I met my husband Craig at Penn State. We got married after my sophomore year and at the end of Craig’s senior year. It had been my great hope to finish college…

Community in Conflict

Matthew 10:24-39
In the last newsletter article I had written an article about some books that I read over the last month or two and just wanted to share those with you as I was setting the theme of summer reading and three books I had read. I wanted to share some thoughts on that in connection to today’s gospel…

Trinity Sunday 2014

Matthew 28:16-20
I came here from New Jersey about six months ago and I noticed that things are different in New Jersey than they are in North Carolina. In my first church I finished the service and I walked to the narthex to greet people and a couple of folks were over in the corner kind of whispering to each other…

Pentecost Sunday 2014

John 20:19-23
Happy Pentecost Sunday. Some of you wore red; I wore yellow – the only clean shirt I could find, but I get to wear this red so that’s my color today. But today is Pentecost Sunday and it’s really a day that we celebrate what’s traditionally called the birth of the church…

Go Speak

Acts 17:22-31, John 14:15-21
During these last six months or so here at St. Paul’s we have been trying to respond to and reflect upon the invitation that Bishop Curry gave at the Diocesan convention back in November. That invitation, that challenge to the diocese was to “Go Deep, Go Speak, Go Do.”…

The Way, The Truth, and The Life

John 14:1-14
We started our liturgy today with a very good opening prayer. The collect of today read simply, “Grant us so perfectly to know your son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow his steps in the way that leads to eternal life…”

To Bring About the Kingdom

John 10:1-10
I’d like to ask you a question that we engaged in, actually, last week in our confirmation class and inquirer’s class. The question is this: Why did Jesus come among us? Why was Jesus sent into our midst? It’s a question, I think, to ponder…

Disorienting Times

Luke 24:13-35
There are times in our life that are disorienting. Often these are times that involve change. There can be times of stagnation as well that disorient us. Perhaps someone has died and we enter into grief with its dragging weight…