Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 54)

Change the World

Mark 1:14-20
Are you the kind of person who likes someone to get to the point? Did you ever have a conversation with someone and you’re like, “Get to the point!” Then you should like Mark’s gospel…

A Divine Call from God

1 Samuel 3:1-20, John 1:43-51
It’s difficult to detect a common theme in the lectionary readings for a given Sunday, but today it’s not so difficult. The first lesson from First Samuel and the gospel reading each tell a story of a divine call from God…

Water of Baptism

Mark 1:4-11
We all have places that bring us to a place of peace. Sometimes it’s just a comfortable chair by a fire or not by a fire. Sometimes it’s a way of stopping and breathing and just finding our center…

Christmas Day 2014

Luke 2:1-14(15-20)
According to the St. Paul’s website and newsletter, Our Christmas Day Service is a quiet, contemplative service, a service of contemplation and Eucharist. At one level this is a way of saying to visitors that there will be no music, no organ, no instruments of any kind…

Christmas Eve 2014

I am becoming more and more convinced in my life that we are not human beings looking for what it means to be spiritual, but rather we are spiritual beings looking for what it means to be human. That may sound like a reversal of what we usually think…

Do Not be Afraid, Mary

Luke 1:26-38
Well, here we are, the fourth Sunday in Advent. For the last month we have been preparing, we have been waiting, and our wait is almost over. During this time we anticipate Jesus’ coming knowing that Christ is already in our midst…

The Voice in the Wilderness

John 1:6-8,19-28
“I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness; prepare the way of the Lord.” There is a certain tension in our culture right now. Too many deaths of black men have caught our awareness. Too swift a hand to draw a gun or to use a choke hold…