Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 53)

Palm Sunday 2015

Mark 11: 1-11, Mark 14:1-15:47
Have you ever had someone do an unexpected kindness for you? A note in the mail that touches you at a time of your need, an offer for conversation over coffee when that’s just what you want…


John 2: 13-22
Growing up in my father’s house, my dad always kept pennies, either on his dresser or in a jar. Now pennies aren’t worth much any more, but they actually were, back then…

The Baptismal Covenant

Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15
You hear the word “covenant” in our readings today, particularly in that reading from Genesis, that covenant that there will never again be a flood. I’d love to hear that being read today in the churches of Boston…

Healing and Prayer

Mark 1:21-28, 29-39, Isaiah 40:21-31
How often do you think about healing and prayer? If you are at all like me there are names on your daily prayer list … where you lift up a life by name to God for healing and wholeness…

He Speaks With Authority

Mark 1:21-28
Do you know people in your life, or perhaps you’ve met somebody. and they’ll say something to you and you’ll say, “Yeah, you’re right?” You just know it. Or they say something to you and you say, “I know.”…