Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 49)

Find a Soft Place

Readings: “Mark 13:35-36, Luke 3:7-18”
“Watch, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming, at evening or at midnight or at cock crow, lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. Rejoice in the Lord always…”

The Color Blue and the Season of Hope

Luke 3:1-6
To prove that we Episcopalians are a people of signs and symbols, a question that I’ve been asked a few times this week is a very profound one regarding signs and symbols. And the question is, “What’s with the blue candles? I thought they were supposed to be purple.”

Signs in the Times

Luke 21:25-26
Where would we be without signs?
You probably don’t think about them that much, but we use them every day. Signs tell which streets are one-way, how fast you are allowed to drive, where to find a restroom or the exit.  On our trip to New Jersey last week, signs told us which exits had a restaurant or gas station.  Signs warn us of dangers, tell us where to find the sale, and all kinds of useful information.
Without signs, we’d be confused, unsure where we were, not know where to find the things we need, and perhaps, actually lost….
Click here for the Niebuhr Prayer.

For This I Came Into the World

John 18:33-37
Now does it seem a bit disconcerting to have just heard a Holy Week gospel reading in late November? We might be tempted to ask if we have somehow slipped through Christmas, but I can assure you that we have not. And what might sound even crazier is that I can honestly say to you right now, Happy New Year!…

Stewardship Sunday 2015

I want to start with a story about the pope – the best thing you can do in an Episcopal church. And this isn’t about the present pope, ’cause the present pope is pretty cool. I mean basically it’s like the Roman Catholics got an Episcopal pope, and the Episcopal Church got a black Baptist preacher….

All Saints Day 2015

John 11:32-44
The year after I finished college I lived in London. And there I worshiped in a parish called All-Saints on Margaret Street. My prior worship had been shaped by a rather dark, moon-like ornamented church in Greensboro, NC….

Questioned by God

Job 42:1-6, 10-17, Mark 10:46-52
Remember what it’s like to walk into a conversation halfway? It can be far more interesting than the whole conversation. “If I could just throttle his neck.” “She seems to be all over him.” “You lie, your feet smell, and you don’t love your Jesus.”…