Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 29)


John 17:20-26
The Rev. Candy Snively discusses Jesus’ prayer of all being one, of unity: “I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one.”

Hearing God

John 10:22-30
The Rev. Melanie Mudge discusses the Gospel John 10:22-30. Children ask, “What language did Jesus speak?” They are told, Jesus understands all languages.” Melanie discusses how we hear God….

Charcoal Fires

The Rev. George Adamik reflects on the how the disciples gather around a charcoal fire in scripture. In today’s gospel, John 21:1-19, Jesus meets with the fishermen around a charcoal fire, and in the days leading up to the crucifixion, there is a gathering around a charcoal fire as Peter denies Jesus. The candle light in today’s services is symbolic of that charcoal fire light.

Peace Be With You

The Rev. Carr Holland reflects on John 20:19-31 and his own father’s death: “Some years ago when my father died, there were many things that had to be tended… Death is hard, because it impacts far more than the one who dies. It alters the course of life for many.”

Maundy Thursday 2019

John 13:1-17, 31b-35
As we come together this Maundy Thursday. George and I will have the opportunity to wash some of your feet….
(NOTE: we apologize for the poor sound quality of this recording – we had some technical problems.)