Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. George Adamik (Page 18)

Go Speak

Acts 17:22-31, John 14:15-21
During these last six months or so here at St. Paul’s we have been trying to respond to and reflect upon the invitation that Bishop Curry gave at the Diocesan convention back in November. That invitation, that challenge to the diocese was to “Go Deep, Go Speak, Go Do.”…

To Bring About the Kingdom

John 10:1-10
I’d like to ask you a question that we engaged in, actually, last week in our confirmation class and inquirer’s class. The question is this: Why did Jesus come among us? Why was Jesus sent into our midst? It’s a question, I think, to ponder…

Easter Sunday 2014

Matthew 28:1-10
When we gather together like this at Easter, what is it that we’re celebrating? I’d like to propose to you that there are many levels of meaning to Easter, many levels of understanding of this Christ being raised from the dead…

The Woman at the Well

John 4:5-42
A reading from the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John. I’d like to invite you to be seated – not because the Gospel’s long, but what I’d like to do is a little bit different than I usually do. I’d like to read the Gospel reading and as we’re reading it, I’d like to share some thoughts…

Humiliations of the False Self

Matthew 4:1-11
Some of you may know that I like golf. I’m thankful for the tickets to the US Open that the parish gave me for my fifteenth anniversary here at St. Paul’s and I look forward to that. Since I’ve been a little kid golf has always been something I’ve been interested in…

Ash Wednesday 2014

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
On the day of your Baptism, you were marked with oil on your forehead. On sharing this thought at the 5:15 service, which was for children, and realized that many of the children gathered there I actually baptized…

Go Deep, Go Speak, Go Do

Matthew 5:21-37
I’ve recently been watching the mini-series The Borgias. It was on Showtime a few seasons ago and now it’s available on Netflix. That’s where I’m watching it. The Borgias is about the time of history about 1492 to 1503 in Italy. It focuses on families at that time…

The Accident of Faith

Matthew 4:12-23
Father Martin Boler was the Prior of Mount Saviour Monastery in Elmira New York. Some monasteries are called abbeys and the head of that is called an abbot. Some monasteries are priories and the head of that is called a prior. Mount Saviour Monastery was a priory and Father Martin was the prior there…

John the Witness

John 1:29-42
It has been said, oftentimes, that we don’t always see what we see or hear what we hear. The idea being that sometimes when we see something or hear something we approach it in a way that perhaps we have already heard this. So we don’t hear it in a fresh way. We don’t hear it in the moment…

Christmas Eve 2013

Merry Christmas! As I walk through my life journey, my spiritual journey, I begin to wonder: are we human beings trying to discover what it means to be spiritual, or rather are we spiritual beings trying to discover what it means to be human?…