Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. George Adamik (Page 17)

The Things That Are God’s

Matthew 22:15-22
A couple of months ago the committee that tends to our website wanted to put on the website brief biographies, little bios of the clergy. Each of the clergy were interviewed. One of the questions was, “What is your favorite song?”…

Where Are Your Feet?

Matthew 21:33-46
How do we use the gifts that have been given to us? That’s really what that parable is about in the gospel reading today. The parable that Matthew has in his gospel is trying to address a community of faith that is changing and shifting…


Matthew 18:21-35
I think that Jesus had a very particular way of making friends. Or you might say a very particular way of entering into relationships with folks. That’s quite different from the way you and I enter into relationships or the way you and I make friends…

Thank You

<em>Matthew 18:15-20</em>
I don’t know how many of you subscribe to Please Note. It’s a weekly e-news publication that is sent out by the Diocese of North Carolina. (Click HERE to subscribe to a weekly email with a link to Please Note, e-news about our diocese.)

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Matthew 16:13-20
There’s a spiritual practice called Lectio Divina. It’s a fancy Latin word for reading and engaging and letting the scriptures speak to you. And what does it say to you? The approach is really studying what this scripture is about…

Phases of Our Religious Journey

Matthew 15: 10-28
A couple of weeks ago a member of our parish came up to me and said, “George, I’ve really been pondering and thinking about what you said in that homily a couple of months ago.” I remember turning and saying, “What homily, and what did I say?”…

Eucharistic Prayer

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
I’m asked oftentimes by folks here at St. Paul’s about things that we do on Sunday in the liturgy. Why do we do this prayer? What’s the meaning of this? I want to address that today. I want to talk about what we refer to as the Eucharistic Prayer…

Community in Conflict

Matthew 10:24-39
In the last newsletter article I had written an article about some books that I read over the last month or two and just wanted to share those with you as I was setting the theme of summer reading and three books I had read. I wanted to share some thoughts on that in connection to today’s gospel…

Pentecost Sunday 2014

John 20:19-23
Happy Pentecost Sunday. Some of you wore red; I wore yellow – the only clean shirt I could find, but I get to wear this red so that’s my color today. But today is Pentecost Sunday and it’s really a day that we celebrate what’s traditionally called the birth of the church…