Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. Candy Snively (Page 7)

Do Not be Afraid, Mary

Luke 1:26-38
Well, here we are, the fourth Sunday in Advent. For the last month we have been preparing, we have been waiting, and our wait is almost over. During this time we anticipate Jesus’ coming knowing that Christ is already in our midst…

Loaves and Fishes

Matthew 14:13-21
I recently attended a concert at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre which is a huge outdoor venue. I have been there many times over the years, sometimes sitting the lawn and other times sitting under the roofed end section…

The Tassel

Matthew 10:40-42
I’ve often mentioned that I’m a late bloomer, and I’ve often shared that I met my husband Craig at Penn State. We got married after my sophomore year and at the end of Craig’s senior year. It had been my great hope to finish college…

Holy Saturday 2014

Matthew 27:57-66
Here we have Matthew’s story of the empty tomb and there is something most fitting in that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary should be the first to receive the news of the Risen Lord and to encounter Him. They had been there at the cross, they had been there when he was laid in the tomb, and now they were the first to know the joy of the resurrection…


John 11:1-3,7,17,20-45
I think we’ve all heard the story of Lazarus many times in our lives. Ironically, this account only appears in John’s gospel. Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not mention it at all. And you can imagine that biblical scholars all have different suppositions of why this is. But that’s not my focus this morning…

The Baptism of Jesus

Matthew 3:13-17
Some of us were baptized as babies and don’t remember a thing about it. Others of us were older and do remember quite well how it felt to be welcomed into the household of God. I was an infant, so it was up to my parents and godparents to speak on my behalf…

Stay Awake!

Matthew 24:36-44
Rrrring! Oh, how I hate to hear that sound early in the morning. Such a jarring wake up call, especially when you’re sound asleep. Am I the only one tempted to press the snooze button right about now? …

Is There No Balm in Gilead?

Jeremiah 8:18-9:1
We live in a world that is full of brokenness and pain. Loved ones get sick, marriages get stretched to the breaking point, our friends at times betray us, the nation is polarized, the economy still hasn’t recovered, and jobs are hard to find, war continues with no end in sight and the threat of terrorism persists. The list could go on and on…

Be Do or Do Be?

Luke 10:38-42
Writing this homily was like a reawakening for me. I hate to admit it, but I had forgotten a wonderful lesson that I had learned twelve years ago. And what was that lesson? Well let me explain it this way by taking it back to the year 2001. I was going through the formation process to see whether I wanted to become a priest or a deacon…

Mr. Peabody’s Apples

Galatians 1:11-24
I want to share a story with you this morning and when I’m finished I will tell you who the author is. There is a book names Mr. Peabody’s Apples. In this story all the good people of Happyville live a fine existence. Sort of like Andy Griffith’s Mayberry…