Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. Candy Snively (Page 6)

What are we waiting for?

The Rev. Candy Snively discusses Isaiah 2:1-5 and the beginning of Advent: “Maybe we’ve depended a little too much on God transforming our spears and swords while we’re still swinging them, instead of laying them down long enough to make a few plowshares. But Advent is a time to repair what is broken, to heal what is hurt. It is the time to remember the work we need to do on our lives, our spirits, and our hearts.”

“If I just had more faith…”

The Rev. Candy Snively reflects on Luke 17:5-10: “The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith.’ They appear to be a bit overwhelmed by his teaching, and they turn to Jesus and ask for an increase in their faith. I think most of us have struggled with this at some point in our lives. If I just had more faith, I wouldn’t have so many questions or doubts. If I just had more faith, I would be a better person. But faith is not about size or quantity.”

The Humor of Jesus

Luke 13:31-35
The humor of Jesus is subtle, nearly imperceptible at first glance. The gospels are not funny in the traditional sense. It’s not slapstick comedy; there are no pratfalls […]. But Jesus knew humor disarms and unites.

For This I Came Into the World

John 18:33-37
Now does it seem a bit disconcerting to have just heard a Holy Week gospel reading in late November? We might be tempted to ask if we have somehow slipped through Christmas, but I can assure you that we have not. And what might sound even crazier is that I can honestly say to you right now, Happy New Year!…


Mark 3:20-35
When my sister and I were little we loved watching westerns on TV. It’s been so long now that I can’t remember what show we were watching, but one of the older cowboys was whittling and was making a toy horse…