Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. Candy Snively (Page 5)

A Tale of Three Prayers

The Rev. Candy Snively shares a personal story about a remarkable act of love: “Laying down our lives isn’t so much about dying for someone else as it is living for someone else, putting their needs ahead of our own as an act of love. And that kind of act of love is the basis for a little story I’d like to tell you about.” (Today’s Gospel reading: John 10:11-18)

The Boat

Today’s gospel reading has been resonating around in my head for several weeks. Peter stepping out of the boat to walk to Jesus is probably one of the best known stories. You all have probably heard it preached many times over the years. So my dilemma was to find a new way of presenting it. (Matthew 14:22-33)

Finding rest

The Rev. Candy Snively discusses Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30: “We can easily buy into thinking that productivity reigns, that the measure of our lives will be how we have worked hard and made a good living.”

God’s Name

You can learn a lot about people from their prayers. We each have our own way of communicating with God. Some are mumbled and stuttered and perhaps hesitant, while others are offered with confidence. (John 17:1-11)

The Locked Places

The Rev. Candy Snively discusses John 20:19-31: “No matter where you are or who you are with, Christ stands among his people, among us, saying ‘Peace, be with you,’ breathing life into what looks lifeless. Regardless of the circumstances, Jesus shows up bringing peace.”