Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 60)


Mark 6:1-13
Failure is a word that strikes fear in the heart of everybody. Our society has become so success oriented that we have very little tolerance for failure. How many times have we heard, “Failure is not an option?” …

Preview of General Convention 2012

This Thursday the General Convention of the Episcopal Church begins. I would like to talk about the General Convention that’s coming up. Over the years I’ve been here at St. Paul’s this is the fifth General Convention that’s happened and I’ve been told that giving a preview has been helpful…

Why Are You Afraid?

Mark 4:35-41
From our gospel lesson, the disciples were with Jesus and a storm arose. he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Be still.” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid when I’m with you?”…

Where Are You?

God is such a patient God who relates to us, such an impatient humanity. I want to share a couple of thoughts on that this morning. As you know, on Sundays we read from scripture. These readings are not readings that clergy get together with and pick out, “Let’s have these readings this Sunday…”

Trinity Sunday 2012

In Episcopal and Anglican churches all over the world this day is celebrated as Trinity Sunday; the feast of the Holy Trinity. But in about 100 churches in the United States today is the feast of knowing the results of the election of the 10th Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta…


Today we remember those who gave their lives for this country. In May of 1865 nearly 10,000 people, mostly freed slaves, gathered in Charleston, South Carolina to honor Union soldiers who fought for liberation…

Bishop Gregg

We’re here today to do a particularly Anglican kind of thing. That is to confirm and receive people into this part of Christ’s body. The reception prayer is “We receive you into the fellowship of this communion.” And in either case, what we do is grounded in confirming our baptismal covenant…

Learn to Love Each Other

I want to share a story with you of the abbot of a monastery, a Trappist monastery called the Monastery of the Holy Spirit. The monk there, the abbot of the monastery was asked about the meaning and significance of the monastic life in the monastery…

The Cornerstone

I am holding up for you the two books that we turn to the most in this community of faith along the journey: The Holy Bible and The Book of Common Prayer. Each of these books has lots of language and imagery that in some ways are not very familiar to us…