Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 56)

Easter Vigil 2013

John 19:38-42
Happy Easter! He’s alive! We have passed through the darkness and sorrow of the cross and met with joy the wonder of the resurrection. And now we know that with God, endings are not really the end. In his life Jesus failed to get everyone to believe, and it was not the end…

Good Friday 2013

John 18:1-19:42
When I was just starting first grade I became very ill. The pediatrician was puzzled what was causing my high temperature. I was sick but had no discernable symptoms. After several days passed and I wasn’t getting any better the doctor told my mom he had gone as far as he could; I would have to go to the hospital…

Maundy Thursday 2013

John 13:1-15
During these services of Holy Week, as a homilist or preacher, sometimes it’s better just to stay out of the way of the service. Let its power and symbolism speak for itself and communicate something to us. I would like to share a couple of thoughts on the liturgy this evening…

Palm Sunday 2013

Luke 22:14-23:56
I once had a professor of education who said if we wanted to get the point across to our students we must occasionally shake things up a bit. Change things around from the normal routine programs that our students hear and see to something completely different…

Bitter Help

John 12:1-8
The season of Lent is a time of Christian reflection set aside for prayer, fasting, and giving. When we as a church participate in the season of Lent, however, the primary goal is not necessarily to spend as much time as possible kneeling or on our faces prostrate…

Jeff Hensley: Stewardship

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Today’s Gospel lesson is perhaps one of the most famous stories in all of scripture, certainly in the New Testament. Along with the story of the Good Samaritan, this parable of the Prodigal Son, as we now often call it, certainly represents one of Jesus’ most familiar teachings…

Ash Wednesday 2013

Good evening. It’s good to see you all here as we come to the end of a day and the beginning of the wondrous season, the season of Lent. I would bet you that you’ve never started the season of Lent with a banner that says JOY – brightly colored. I want to put that a little bit in context…

Beth & Mark Bordeaux: Stewardship

Luke 9:28-36
In the Gospel reading today, Peter, John, and James went with Jesus up on the mountain to pray. I’ll bet they didn’t know what they were getting into. Maybe they would have rather stayed home, or maybe they were looking forward to an adventure with Jesus…