Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 54)

Heroes of the Faith

Hebrews 11:29-12:2
One of the books I remember enjoying as a child sits on a bookshelf in my home today. It is called 100 Greatest Sports Heroes. Now this book is quite dated, as you can imagine, and the heroes listed in it sadly include only a very few women and only a very few African Americans. It purports to present men and women of achievement selected by sports writers from around the country from all of the popular sports of the day…

We See Things the Way We Are

Luke 12:32-40, Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16
Mary and I tend to do most of our grocery shopping at three stores: Lowe’s, Food Lion, Harris-Teeter. We live near Route 55, over in Apex and those three stores are right there on 55. We use them for different reasons. I love the pretzels at Lowe’s. When I’m out of pretzels I’m off to Lowe’s…

Family Systems

Luke 12:13-21
A few years ago, I joined a couple of other priests from our diocese and worked with a consultant for a couple of years learning about what is referred to as family systems theory. There is a rabbi, Rabbi Edwin Friedman, who has taken a lot of what we’ve learned of family systems theory and put together a book called Generation to Generation to help clergy to understand congregational life…

Lord, Teach US to Pray

Luke 11:1-13
I returned home the middle of last week, from Groton, Connecticut where I was with my daughter Elizabeth. I think I shared with you a couple of weeks ago that Elizabeth and her husband Danny live in Groton where he’s in the Navy at a submarine base. He’s what is referred to in the Navy as a “nuke.” He’s been trained in nuclear energy. All these subs are powered by nuclear power…

Be Do or Do Be?

Luke 10:38-42
Writing this homily was like a reawakening for me. I hate to admit it, but I had forgotten a wonderful lesson that I had learned twelve years ago. And what was that lesson? Well let me explain it this way by taking it back to the year 2001. I was going through the formation process to see whether I wanted to become a priest or a deacon…

Look to the Side of the Road

Luke 10:25-37
In my first year of seminary, many, many, many years ago, my class began each day with meditation. We gathered in a small chapel and the spiritual director of the seminary led us through this meditation. It was a meditation that’s based on what’s referred to as the spiritual exercise of Saint Ignatius, sometimes referred to as Ignatian Spirituality…

Like Lambs into the Midst of Wolves

Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Well it has been an interesting couple of weeks that we’ve had in the United States of America, hasn’t it? We have seen laws made and laws repealed. In North Carolina we have seen bills passed, bills not passed, protesters arrested, protesters not arrested. In my office I have spoken to people delighted with what is happening in North Carolina and I have spoken with people who are grieving over those same issues…


Galatians 5:1,13-25
As I was gathering some thoughts about today’s readings last week I found myself focusing on our epistle reading for today which we will pretend Mary just read. I was focusing on the letter to the Galatians and also on the upcoming Independence Day holiday. I started thinking about the many connotations that these words freedom and liberty have taken on…

Episcopal Farmworker Ministry Mission

lauren-kilbourn120Rev. Lauren Kilbourn,
Homily, June 23, 2013

Buenos Dias amigos de Cristo. I bring you greetings from Father Tony Rojas and the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry where we were this week. And glad tidings as we celebrate not only this fifth Sunday of Pentecost but the 50th anniversary of the Detroit Freedom March, and also the baptisms of Annabel, Madison, Daniel, and Marley at today’s 9:00 service…

Go Out to the Edge

Luke 7:36-8:3
I want to share some thoughts with you, particularly on that Gospel reading we just heard. The Gospel reading really spoke to me this past week. If I can do some name dropping: yesterday was the ordination of Ann Hodges-Copple as our new Bishop Suffragan, and our Presiding Bishop, Katharine Jefferts-Schori was the principal consecrator…