Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 52)

Christmas Day 2013

In his book of meditations titled, “The Hungering Dark,” Theologian Fredrick Buechner recalls sitting in a theater audience made up mostly of college students watching the Fellini film La Dolce Vita…

Christmas Eve 2013

Merry Christmas! As I walk through my life journey, my spiritual journey, I begin to wonder: are we human beings trying to discover what it means to be spiritual, or rather are we spiritual beings trying to discover what it means to be human?…

The Liturgy of Advent

James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11
I’d like to do a little liturgical teaching this morning. Over the last few weeks of Advent we’ve heard about the theology of Advent, the spirituality of Advent. I’d like to talk a little about some of the liturgical things we do during this season of Advent…

Creation and Fullness

Matthew 3:1-12
Have you ever read something, while you’re reading a paragraph or you get to the bottom of the page, where you stop and say, “What did I just read? It doesn’t make any sense.” You go back and read it again. That happened a lot to me when I was in seminary…

Stay Awake!

Matthew 24:36-44
Rrrring! Oh, how I hate to hear that sound early in the morning. Such a jarring wake up call, especially when you’re sound asleep. Am I the only one tempted to press the snooze button right about now? …

Dream Pictures

2 Luke 22:33-43
Many of us have hopeful pictures in our lives. We might call them “dream pictures,” pictures that are early set in us and are often deep. Pictures of how we would like life to be. Or perhaps some picture that our parents have painted for us of the good life…

If All We Had Were the Beatitudes

Matthew 5:1-12
Imagine with me, if you can, that we lost all the scriptures. They disappeared from the Planet Earth. But all we had was this text that we just read from Matthew’s Gospel. This Gospel reading that is often referred to as the Beatitudes. I believe that if that’s all we had, we’d have what we need to know what it means to be a follower of Jesus…