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Homilies (Page 51)

Ash Wednesday 2014

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
On the day of your Baptism, you were marked with oil on your forehead. On sharing this thought at the 5:15 service, which was for children, and realized that many of the children gathered there I actually baptized…

Down from the Mountain

2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9
When I was preparing for this morning’s homily, it keeps on cropping into my mind that I should share something about the Transformers. I’m not truly a fan of the Transformers, however it says something about what we are about today…

The Holiness Code

Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18, Matthew 5:38-48
To be “holier than thou” is not used as a compliment very often. Usually we use the phrase with someone who has annoyed us by a kind of superior goodness, either real or totally put on. And yet scripture commands that in fact we are holy. We are set apart for God…

Go Deep, Go Speak, Go Do

Matthew 5:21-37
I’ve recently been watching the mini-series The Borgias. It was on Showtime a few seasons ago and now it’s available on Netflix. That’s where I’m watching it. The Borgias is about the time of history about 1492 to 1503 in Italy. It focuses on families at that time…

Salt and Light

1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Matthew 5:13-20
The readings of today are wonderful reminders for all of us. When I was preparing for this moment I kept on waking up early. My wife kept on asking me, “Why do you have to get up so early?” I needed the quiet of the morning because this is my first homily since almost fourteen years ago…

Presentation of Jesus

Luke 2:22-40, Malachi 3:1-4
I thought, earlier in the day, that on February second we mark a secular feast that’s called Groundhog Day, but I was informed that the real secular feast is the Super Bowl. But for those of us who are in liturgical time, it is the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

The Accident of Faith

Matthew 4:12-23
Father Martin Boler was the Prior of Mount Saviour Monastery in Elmira New York. Some monasteries are called abbeys and the head of that is called an abbot. Some monasteries are priories and the head of that is called a prior. Mount Saviour Monastery was a priory and Father Martin was the prior there…

John the Witness

John 1:29-42
It has been said, oftentimes, that we don’t always see what we see or hear what we hear. The idea being that sometimes when we see something or hear something we approach it in a way that perhaps we have already heard this. So we don’t hear it in a fresh way. We don’t hear it in the moment…

The Baptism of Jesus

Matthew 3:13-17
Some of us were baptized as babies and don’t remember a thing about it. Others of us were older and do remember quite well how it felt to be welcomed into the household of God. I was an infant, so it was up to my parents and godparents to speak on my behalf…

Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

Matthew 2:1-12
From the earliest of our traditions, Christmas falls in the winter, with its shortened days. The ancients lit fires to break the spell of winter, those darkening days, with the hope of bringing back the sun and its longer days and the good fortune that came with it, or so they hoped…