Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 50)

Sharing Easter Stories

John 20:19-31
In our April newsletter, George writes of Bishop Curry’s invitation to the Diocese to “Go Deep, Go Speak, Go Do” and of the invitation to all of us this Easter season to practice and discover our ability to go speak by sharing personal stories about matters of faith…

Easter Sunday 2014

Matthew 28:1-10
When we gather together like this at Easter, what is it that we’re celebrating? I’d like to propose to you that there are many levels of meaning to Easter, many levels of understanding of this Christ being raised from the dead…

Holy Saturday 2014

Matthew 27:57-66
Here we have Matthew’s story of the empty tomb and there is something most fitting in that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary should be the first to receive the news of the Risen Lord and to encounter Him. They had been there at the cross, they had been there when he was laid in the tomb, and now they were the first to know the joy of the resurrection…

Good Friday 2014

John 18:1-19:42
Growing up in the Philippines, Good Friday is one of the most solemn days you could experience. It’s almost like everything stands still from noon until three o’clock. And as a young priest then, I was asked to participate in the Customary of the place. The church usually would have preachers come in and preach on the last seven words of Christ…

Palm Sunday 2014

Matthew 26:14-27:66
What do you prefer to have in your hand today? The palm? The thirty pieces of silver? The Eucharistic bread which was celebrated on this night in this gospel and which we will receive here? A pillow for sleep? The defending sword? The helpful touch of the cross like that of Simon of Cyrene? The nails and the hammer?…


John 11:1-3,7,17,20-45
I think we’ve all heard the story of Lazarus many times in our lives. Ironically, this account only appears in John’s gospel. Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not mention it at all. And you can imagine that biblical scholars all have different suppositions of why this is. But that’s not my focus this morning…

The Blind Man

John 9:1-23, 28-41
The video that went viral on YouTube this week was of a British woman, age 39, named JoAnn, who was hearing for the first time by the gift of implants. Her reaction is not at all subtle. There’s tears of amazement, there’s joy, there’s a nervous shaking of her hand as she hears sound for the first time…

The Woman at the Well

John 4:5-42
A reading from the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John. I’d like to invite you to be seated – not because the Gospel’s long, but what I’d like to do is a little bit different than I usually do. I’d like to read the Gospel reading and as we’re reading it, I’d like to share some thoughts…

Children’s Cantata

The Junior and Epiphany Choirs presented a musical from the Book of Daniel, titled, “It’s Cool in the Furnace.” It tells the story of Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego during their captivity in Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar…

Humiliations of the False Self

Matthew 4:1-11
Some of you may know that I like golf. I’m thankful for the tickets to the US Open that the parish gave me for my fifteenth anniversary here at St. Paul’s and I look forward to that. Since I’ve been a little kid golf has always been something I’ve been interested in…