Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 34)

To See with Christ’s Eyes

The Rev. Carr Holland reflects on John 4:5-42 and Romans 5:1-11: “We are each given a life. We’re invited to look out our eye sockets and see beyond the surface, to see one another by the well, to ponder each other’s need of care and wisdom, and together, to act to deepen life.”

Through Another Lens

The Rev. George Adamik reflects on Matthew 17:1-9, Christ’s transfiguration, and racial justice: “How can we, like Peter, James, and John, be transfigured? How can we see something in a new way? How can we be changed in our lives so that we can go forward together to change our world?”

Following Jesus

The Rev. Carr Holland reflects on John 1:29-42: “Jesus goes in this section of the Gospel from unknown to Messiah… The following has begun, and we are part of that following. Here is the question that the Gospel leaves for us, ‘Where do we see Christ, and how do we follow?'”