Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 15)

To the Margins

The Rev. George Adamik reflects on Matthew 9:35-10:23: “When Jesus invites his followers to come to the margins, people are healed, but something else happens… We don’t go to the margins of our society to make a difference; we go to the margins of our society so that we are made different.”

Pentecost (2020)

The Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista reflects on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21) and the hope it offers for our own broken world: “God doesn’t need more preachers, politicians, or heroes. God just needs you to join the throng of those who have witnessed God’s justice and love, a cloud of witnesses who choose life not in spite of but in the face of calamity, persecution, war, grief, death, and loss. Are you ready to learn new ways of belonging and being together?”

The Ascension (2020)

The Rev. George Adamik celebrates the Feast of the Ascension (Acts 1:1-11): “Sometimes, it’s easier to look up at the sky than it is to do what Jesus did: to look at each other. To look into the eyes of each other. During this pandemic, this Feast of the Ascension can be a powerful message for us.”

Rest in Grace and Power

The Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista discusses the story of Stephen (Acts 7:55-60) and mourns the recurring violence against black people in our communities: “I am saddened like many of you by what we have lost with the passing of this young man. I am saddened every time lives are stolen from us before we get the full story. I am saddened every time a life is cut short before they get to do the good work they have been placed on this earth to do.”