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Homilies (Page 12)

Casting and Mending

The Rev. Candy Snively reflects on Jesus’s call to the fishermen in Mark 1:14-20: “Have you ever felt that each day looks the same? Life is routine, nothing changes. I have felt this way many times, especially during this time of isolation.”

God Seeks Us

The Rev. George Adamik describes how we often talk about seeking God, but it is really God who is seeking us “and has been finding us from the beginning of Creation.” Today’s readings reveal God’s search for us: the story of Samuel and Eli (1 Samuel 3:1-10), Psalm 139 (“Lord, you have searched me out and known me”), and Jesus’s first disciples (John 1:43-51), as well as the life of the prophet and martyr the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Abiding Work of Christmas

On the Second Sunday after Christmas, the Rev. Carr Holland discusses the dreams of Joseph and the Magi and the revealed counterpoint of evil and suffering in the Christmas story, which is just as messy and complicated as our own contemporary world (Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23).

A Way Through the Wilderness

On the Second Sunday of Advent, the Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista reflects on the strange opening of Jesus’s story in Mark 1:1-8, which begins in the wilderness and asks us if we are willing to follow a wandering Messiah: “the way of Jesus winds its way through the wilderness road, far from the places you know and love.”