Worship. Serve. Grow.

Homilies (Page 11)

Business as Usual

The Rev. Candy Snively describes how, one day, Jesus decides to interrupt “business as usual” at the temple (John 2:13-22): “We forget that we are the temple of God’s presence, we forget that all of creation is the residence of God, we forget that in whatever direction we might turn there’s the face of God. And as soon as we forget, life becomes business as usual.”

All Things to All People

The Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista discusses Paul’s surprising claim in 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 that he became all things to all people: “The Apostle Paul invites us into a new world. He invites us to become full-fledged citizens of no man’s land, that place that calls all our allegiances into question so that we might truly learn the ways and customs of another. And in this world that offers us impossible and inflexible choices about who we consider a worthwhile ally or a potential adversary, about who is worth our time and who isn’t, what would it look like for you choose otherwise? To become the kind of person willing to love those you weren’t supposed to love?”

State of the Parish (2021)

Ahead of the annual parish meeting, the Rev. George Adamik reflects back on a year of virtual services and parish life, and he shares several highlights of creativity, dedication, and growing ministries: “As Bishop Rob Wright says, the church does not close – it adapts. The church has adapted throughout its history… This experience is calling us to open up even wider than before.”