Worship. Serve. Grow.

News (Page 199)

News from St. Paul’s

Our community at St. Paul’s is constantly bustling with activity. Whatever your interests, there’s an opportunity to get involved.

Parish Updates

St. Paul’s Weekly Update is a weekly email sent to parishioners and those on a subscription list.  Click here to subscribe to the Weekly Update, including other ministry lists, such as youth and children’s programming updates.

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Diocese of North Carolina Welcomes Assisting Bishop

THE DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA welcomes the Rt. Rev. Peter Lee, bishop diocesan (resigned) for the Diocese of Virginia and current interim rector at Christ Church, Georgetown, as Assisting Bishop for the diocese during our time of transition and search for the 12th bishop diocesan.  See Bishop Hodges-Copple’s interview with Bishop Lee.  Read Please Note, Nov 17, 2015.

St Nicholas is Coming to St. Paul’s (Dec 6, 2015)

The St. Nicholas Advent tree (2015) is up and is decorated with over 400 tags identifying needy children served by local agencies that support seasonal farmworker families, orphans and vulnerable children, homeless families, families of recovering addicts, and families in need of reasonable housing. Please take one or more of the tags from the tree. Continue Reading below

Announcements for Sunday, Nov 15

ANNOUNCEMENTS for SUNDAY, Nov 15 (edited version) Children’s Ministries Children’s Chapel will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service only – the 11:15 a.m. Chapel is cancelled today.  This Chapel is for children ages 3 through 2nd Grade.  Please follow the cross processional to the youth wing. Clergy Led Chapel for 3rd-5th graders will be held at today’s 9:00 a.m. service…

Annual Meeting (Nov 8)

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the church following the 9:00 AM service on Sunday, Nov 8.  Please plan to attend this important meeting to elect Vestry members and to hear parish updates.  In lieu of coffee hour in the Parish Hall, coffee will be served by the Vestry in the narthex before the meeting. Learn about the vestry candidates for the…

Announcements for Sunday, Nov 8

ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SUNDAY, NOV 8 (edited version) COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the church following the 9:00 a.m. service today.  Please plan to attend this important meeting to elect Vestry members and to hear parish updates.  In lieu of Coffee Hour in the parish hall, coffee will be served by the Vestry in the narthex before…

A Vision for Outreach

During the last 5 months this team of Bill Holmes, Dan Loughlin, Dave Mackie, the Rev. Sarah Phelps, Anne Pilgrim, Tad Richard, Kevin Swann, and Aleta McClenney, has worked towards a goal of providing St. Paul’s with a deeper, broader, richer sense of how we might live out our call as Christians to extend our faith beyond the pew on Sundays and to work, in service, with those whom Jesus blessed and whom we are called to love as we love ourselves. Information collected through adult education, surveys, listening circles, and one-on-one conversations falls into three broad categories: Philosophical, Financial, and Structural…