Worship. Serve. Grow.

Formation (Page 21)

Adult Formation Programs (Fall 2016)

St. Paul’s is committed to knowing and sharing the Good News of God made known through Christ.  Our fall adult program (Sep-Dec 2016) takes on a new dimension, using the term “formation,”  as we form our faith and spirituality.  Read the article in September 2016 Newsletter by The Rev. Javier Almendárez Bautista, page 2, titled, Formed by the Christian Story. Click HERE to download the Adult Formation Programs brochure. Continue reading for more.

Get to Know Javier (Sep 17)

Saturday afternoon, September 17, 4:00-6:00 PM, the Senior Ministry will sponsor a “meet and greet” social event in the Parish Hall.  Our new associate rector, Javier Almendárez Bautista, will join us in sharing experiences of St. Paul’s and its ministries. Please help us welcome him by bringing a snack. The Senior Ministry will provide beverages. Click…

End-of-Summer Mini Ministry Fair (Aug 28, 2016)

The End-of-Summer Mini Ministry Fair will be held in the Parish Hall during coffee hour on August 28, 2016. All are welcome! This will be a kid-friendly event; children can earn a prize for their participation. Stop by and check out great opportunities to get involved including: Adult Education Committee, Arts and Crafts Festival for…

Spring Ministry Fair (Apr 17)

Whether you’re looking to get involved in something new or just want to find out what’s happening, come to the Spring Mini Ministry Fair during coffee hour in the Parish Hall on Sunday, April 17. Here are some of the ministries who will be on hand: Altar Guild, Fellowship, Memorial Garden, Ministry of Mothers Sharing,…

Centering Prayer Group Begins New Book Study (Apr 8)

Beginning Friday, April 8 at 9:00 AM in the Library at Cary Presbyterian Church, 614 Griffis Street (Across the hill from St. Paul’s), the Centering Prayer group will be studying together, Convictions: How I Learned  What Matters Most. This is the last book written by Marcus Borg before his death. We welcome anyone interested. Contact: Martha Waters, 919-302-5912, martha.wtrs@gmail.com.

Center for Hope and Healing Courses (Apr-May, 2016)

The Center for Hope and Healing (CHH) offers these courses: Savvy Seniors, a Lunch and Learn Opportunity: Thursdays, April 7-May 26, 11:00-1:00, How to Organize Your Personal Finances to Avoid Stress: Monday, April 11, 7:00 PM, Study Skills for High School and College: Thursday, April 14, 7:00 PM.  There is still time to register. Don’t miss these great opportunities! Continue reading for details.

Newcomer Class (Apr 19, Apr 26, May 3)

There will be a Newcomer class for all who are interested in learning about St. Paul’s.  It will be 3 consecutive Tuesday evenings, April 19, April 26, and May 3, in the Youth Wing, 7:00-8:15.  The classes will be led by Father George, while other clergy and ministry leaders will come in to share information…