Worship. Serve. Grow.

Formation (Page 16)

The Shack Movie (Jul 12-Aug 9)

The Adult Formation committee is offering an opportunity to watch and discuss The Shack, the movie based on William Paul Young’s best-selling book of the same name.  It will be shown in five sections, on Wednesdays Jul 12, Jul 19, Jul 26, Aug 2, and Aug 9 in the Youth Wing.  The video and discussion will be…

Just Mercy: Fall Dinner and Discussion (Sep 24 – Oct 29, 2017)

A discussion group is offered this fall, reading Bryan Stevenson’s “Just Mercy,” based on his experience as an attorney in the South representing people of color, women, and children — all of them indigent. We meet for a potluck dinner and discussion on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, Sep 24 – Oct 29, at the Curry Center.  Continue reading for more and to sign up.