Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 57)

Vestry Candidates for 2020

Candidates for Vestry, class of 2020-2022 are: Vicki Bradley, Kay Burgess, Robert Lyerly, Francine Pearce, Allan Thunes, and Guy Vitaglione. Click HERE for biographies of the candidates.  Plan to come to the annual parish meeting on Sunday, November 3, 2019 after the 9:00 service and VOTE!  

Holy Land Pilgrimage 2020

The Diocese of North Carolina is taking a group on pilgrimage to the Holy Land at the end of January 2020. The trip will be led by Bishop Anne Hodges-Copple and includes visits to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Galilee, and more. Continue reading for more and to sign up.