Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 55)

Parish Update held Jan 26, 2020

After the response and feedback from our Capital Project Update of January 12, 2020, the building committee met with the architect and building contractor to discuss revisions to the project that might better align our construction budget with our needs.  Some great news was shared during the vestry’s Quarterly Update to the Parish, Sunday, January 26, 2020. Click HERE for a voice recording of the January 26 meetingContinue reading for more details of the meeting.

Rainbow Gathering (Feb 21, 2020)

Rainbow Gathering: All Are Welcome to join Rainbow Gathering on Friday February 21, 2020 in the youth wing at 7:00 p.m.  This month we will discuss notable LGBTQ people of color and current events.  For more information please contact Andrea at jang7e@gmail.com.

Pulse Ministry May Call You

Guess Who’s Calling? Someone taking the PULSE of St. Paul’s .  Three times a year, each of the seven members of the Pulse Ministry will call 12 parishioners to ask two simple questions and jot down the responses.  You may be one of these randomly selected parishioners called! Continue reading for more.

Winter Mini Ministry Fair (Feb 2, 2020)

The Winter Mini Ministry Fair will be held in the parish hall during coffee hour on February 2, 2020.  Different ministries are highlighted at the three mini fairs each year.  Here are some of the groups which will be on hand at this fair: Children’s Ministries, Dorcas Ministries, Eucharistic Ministers, Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry, Fellowship Events Team,…

Stewardship Update

VISION 2020 for the operating budget is well underway!  As we work, walk, seek, welcome, and care together for a better world, we begin that journey in our little corner at St. Paul’s.  If you have already pledged for next year, we thank you.  If you have not, we encourage you to make the effort and make a pledge today. Continue reading for more on Vision 2020 and to pledge.

Capital Project: Next Steps (Jan 12, 2020)

All are invited to attend a meeting on Sunday, January 12, 2020, at 10:15 a.m. to discuss next steps following our successful capital campaign. What should we do with the money we raised? For reference only, here is a capital campaign update video from March, 2019: Click HERE .