Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts by Olivia Delahaye

A Thought for the Summer

Dear Friends, It’s officially summer! Whether you base it on calendar date or heat index, we’re in the season of fewer school buses on the road and more frequent “out of office” messages in our inboxes. For many of us, the rhythm of summer offers an opportunity to relax and think about different things. If…

Welcome, June!

This weekend offers many opportunities at St. Paul’s. Rise Against Hunger is getting a great response, and I encourage you to sign up to be part of this special event that makes an impact on world hunger…

Summer Schedule Begins this Week

Dear Friends, As we move into the summer season, or what the liturgical calendar calls ordinary time, there is so much to be engaged with at St. Paul’s. The regular rhythm may change but there is much to be a part of in the new summer rhythm. Read George’s Letter

Pentecost and Youth Sunday

Dear Friends, What better day to celebrate Youth Sunday than the feast of Pentecost! The 9 a.m. service this Sunday will be a special expression of the gifts among us. We will honor our high school seniors, and the youth will be in liturgical leadership roles as Ushers, Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers. Read George’s Letter

Exhibition Weekend is Here!

Dear Friends, I hope you can join us this Saturday for the Kelly Latimore exhibit. Details of the day are below. You do not want to miss this. On Sunday at 10:15 a.m., you can also join us in the Chapel for “A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Artist’s Forum with Kelly Latimore,” as Kelly shares…

“Trust in Life…”

Dear Friends, The weekend of May 4-5 is going to be a full and special one at St. Paul’s as we welcome the acclaimed artist, Kelly Latimore. Each of his icons are invitations to seeing the image of God in the world around us. Read George’s Letter