Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts by Javier Almendárez-Bautista (Page 7)

Contemplating and Admiring What Is Not Yours

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on our relationship to the stranger: “what if you approached those deemed strange and unfamiliar with the same kind of “admiration and contemplation” that the person living in exile has to muster? What if you met the stranger with that kind of curiosity—the kind that assumes that your survival depends on learning their ways, not the other way around?”


This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the purpose of sabbath rest: “Sabbath is a gift, something that is for us: neither a requirement to be fulfilled simply because we must, nor an instrument to make us more productive the rest of the week.”

Vulnerability and Belonging

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the myth of self-sufficiency: “Our modern way of life has trained us to believe that we can be an island unto ourselves, but Christian discipleship involves a radical repudiation of anything of the sort—we are limited, finite creatures, dependent on the God in whom we live and breathe, and members of a Body much larger than we can imagine.”

Exile’s Path

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the experience of home and exile: “Our true home is still beyond our reach, but the journey is well-worth the effort. And we can’t get there without you—or whoever else decides to walk through the doors.”

Finding Our Way Forward

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on Saturday’s Prayer Walk and the nature of social change: “If we are to do the work of love, we cannot settle for individual conversion. We must make sure that public institutions address the needs and concerns of the most vulnerable. That, after all, was the beginning of the thing we call Church.”