Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts by Javier Almendárez-Bautista (Page 6)

Cracked Cisterns and Living Water

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the true source of our self-worth: “What would it look like for you to look to something other than the fleeting things of this world for your validation? What would it look like to see yourself as God sees you—precious in God’s sight, a beloved child of God?”

Knowing Ourselves (Kindly)

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the nature of God’s love: “When it comes to telling the truth about ourselves, we would prefer to edit the footnotes and clean up the margins… We call this a kindness: at its best, it is an attempt to see ourselves and others in the best possible light. But to do so leaves something to be desired. We cannot really love that which we do not also aim to know.”

Inhabiting Prayer

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the habit of prayer: “the prayers of the Daily Office are not good simply because they are ancient, beautiful, or wise. They are good when we pour our lives into them—when we turn them into a home, so to speak, creating a space for communion with God as we begin to pray in earnest.”

Unfastening Our Cluttered Minds

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on prayer and distraction: “Our habits—even the ones we would rather do without—can guide us deeper into what we really need. They can help us find what we are truly seeking, if we would stop for a moment and pay attention.”

The Feast of Christ the King

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on the Feast of Christ the King: “God demands our full, unrelenting, uncompromising allegiance, and that extends to the first citizens of God’s Kingdom too: the poor and the disenfranchised, the sick and the suffering, the meek, the forgotten, and those who have given into despair.”

A Great Cloud of Witnesses Among Us

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on All Saints’ Day and what we have been up to over the past few months: “Despite setbacks, we are grateful for the ways that we remain connected to one another. As our baptismal covenant reminds us, we plan to “continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers”—supporting one another as we navigate these troubled, uncertain times.”