Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts from September 2021

Weekly Update September 17, 2021: A Letter from the Rector

Dear Friends,      As we continue towards the fall season, I’d like to remind you of what is offered on the Sundays in September regarding coffee hour, as well as children and youth activities, invite you to evening prayer on Wednesdays, and encourage you to send us pictures of your pets as we prepare to bless the animals in October. Read George’s…

Weekly Update September 10, 2021: A Letter from the Rector

Dear Friends,      This week we would like to give you an overview of our plans as we enter a modified Fall schedule for worship and programming this Sunday. We would also like to invite you to Evening Prayer in the Courtyard and the monthly Racial Justice Movie Night via Zoom.      As always, the safety of you and your loved ones…