Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts from 2020 (Page 27)

Teddy Bear Tea (Feb 8, 2020)

Looking for something special to do with your younger child or grandchild? Join us February 8, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. in the parish hall for our special Teddy Bear Tea! Children are welcome to bring their favorite doll or stuffed animal and enjoy some special treats and fun. All children aged birth through elementary school…

Veterans and Military Outreach Chair Needed

The Veterans and Military Outreach (VMO) committee needs a chair or co-chairs to lead this ministry. This committee directly helps veterans and current military members in a number of ways. Please think about serving with this extremely rewarding ministry. Contact: Guy Antonides at guy.antonides@sbcglobal.net (USO Co-leader) or Penny Tennian, Outgoing leader, at vmo@stpaulscary.org for information…

Thank You from Heifer International

A big “Thank You” to everyone who donated to Heifer International in 2019.  St. Paul’s total donation for the calendar year was $7188.75.  This wonderful contribution will purchase a “Gift Ark” of animals, and many more animals besides. Continue reading for more.

Stewardship Update

VISION 2020 for the operating budget is well underway!  As we work, walk, seek, welcome, and care together for a better world, we begin that journey in our little corner at St. Paul’s.  If you have already pledged for next year, we thank you.  If you have not, we encourage you to make the effort and make a pledge today. Continue reading for more on Vision 2020 and to pledge.