Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts from 2016 (Page 18)

Announcements for Sunday, May 22

CONFIRMATION AND REAFFIRMATION We at St. Paul’s rejoice today in the Confirmation of and the Reaffirmation of Tyler Barefoot, Drew Alexander Bradley, Shelby Elizabeth Bryson, Xena Alexandra Gray, Dylan Hall Jarrell, Alex Rodes, Vincent Scott Zapadinsky, Stephanie Buchanan, Amy Elizabeth Borbet, Robert Thomas Borbet, Christine Louise Davila, Craig Howison Sours, Paula Barnes Sours, Meghan Erin Sanders, Paul Edmund Sanders, and Beverly Goll…

Announcements for Sunday, May 15

 Stop Hunger Now: To learn more about this ministry to prevent malnutrition and starvation around the world, please find Glenda Swann in the Parish Hall following the service today. She’ll be the one with lovely red hair giving directions for today’s Stop Hunger Now food packaging event. Or email her anytime at swann.glenda@gmail.com. SEAMSTRESSES Needed!  We need help sewing banners and Altar…

Confirmation (May 22, 2016)

Confirmation and reception will take place on May 22, 2016 at the 9:00 and 11:15 services. Confirmation is a sacramental rite of the Episcopal Church in which teenagers and adults affirm the covenant made on their behalf in Baptism. Our confirmation class, led by the clergy, has been underway since February. The Rt. Rev. Peter Lee,…

Announcements for Sunday, May 8

SEAMSTRESSES Needed!  We need help sewing banners and Altar cloths for church. If interested, please call Jan Barbee at 919-274-8162. COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS:  The Fellowship Events Team invites you to the parish hall during coffee hour today to enjoy strawberries and ice cream as a special Mother’s Day treat. Throughout the year, the Fellowship Events Team offers many opportunities to gather…

Wear Orange Against Gun Violence (Jun 2)

In 2007, more pre-school-aged children were killed by guns than police officers were killed in the line of duty. The Wear Orange campaign began in 2013 to highlight the toll gun violence takes on our society by encouraging people to wear orange on June 2, National Gun Violence Awareness Day. See Please Note video from…