Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts from 2016 (Page 11)

Lifelong Learning @ St. Paul’s

Do you have skills or experience that you would like to share with your fellow parishioners and the broader community? Do you enjoy learning and trying new things? If either is true, St. Paul’s new Lifelong Learning Ministry may be your outlet! Continue reading to learn more….

Veterans: Let Us Thank You for Your Service (Nov 13, 2016)

If you have served or currently serve in the U.S. military, St. Paul’s would like to recognize you on November 13, 2016, the Sunday after Veterans Day, by listing your name, branch of service, and rank at separation in a special insert in the bulletin. Please email that information to nicole.griffin@gmail.com no later than November 3 to ensure that you are included.  Continue reading for more.

Yoga! (Sep 25)

Nancy Harrell will be leading a yoga class @ St. Paul’s on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:00 PM, starting on September 25. This class is for anyone from yoga newbies on up. If you’ve wondered whether yoga is for you, this is a good chance to try it out in a friendly (and free!)…

Adult Formation Programs (Fall 2016)

St. Paul’s is committed to knowing and sharing the Good News of God made known through Christ.  Our fall adult program (Sep-Dec 2016) takes on a new dimension, using the term “formation,”  as we form our faith and spirituality.  Read the article in September 2016 Newsletter by The Rev. Javier Almendárez Bautista, page 2, titled, Formed by the Christian Story. Click HERE to download the Adult Formation Programs brochure. Continue reading for more.