Worship. Serve. Grow.

Lobster Fest Pre-Order

A few notes before you order:

Help us advertise: Please help us out by letting your local friends (and your enemies) know about this event through word of mouth and social media.


We accept credit cards! Please note that PayPal is our secure payment processor, whether you have a PayPal account or want to use a credit card. Please click on “PayPal Checkout” button at the bottom of the checkout form and you will be able to enter a credit card directly. You do NOT have to create a PayPal account.

Any questions? Send an email to Tad at lobsterfestcary@stpaulscary.org.

Donation to Youth ASP program and ONE Wake

$5 or more
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Product Details

The St. Paul's Youth Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is a home repair ministry to needy families of Central Appalachia. Youth and adult participants grow spiritually, gain self confidence, and bridge communities in the fresh mountain air while repairing roofs, floors and bathrooms, in addition to making homes accessible through porch and ramp repairs or additions.

ONE Wake is a non-partisan, multi-racial, multi-issue group of religious congregations, associations, and other non-profits in the Wake County area with membership totaling in excess of 50,000 households.

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